At 08:34 am 20/05/2005 -0600, Ed wrote:
>Good suggestion.  However the self-interest of the various religions get 
>in the way. If you can't convert, at least you can out-breed.  

Absolutely - and the outbreeders will inherit the earth.  8-)

> If God made us, he did a lousy job.

Speak for yourself, Ed. When I look at my fifty grandchildren I think
he did a most excellent job.

> He made a lifeform that insists on believing things 
> that are clearly in conflict with reality, and will kill or give up its 
> own life to support these beliefs. A lifeform, to a large extent, that 
> lacks  empathy for his own kind and for the other lifeforms made by this 
> God. A lifeform that has the conceit to believe that it is unique and 
> will gain advantage over other individuals by using a particular worship 
> of this imagined God.  At the same time, we have the ability to discover 
> methods to visit the stars while other people will turn this knowledge 
> into weapons that will be used to destroy anyone who does not support 
> their beliefs.  If you were God, would you have made such a 
> self-destructive creature?  If you had, would you give support to 
> individuals who had these obvious imperfections even if they attempted 
> to worship you?

What a sad spiel. A wail of despair. 
Life coming to an end and nothing
to look forward to. 


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