You sound paranoid talking about the Kings software and all that spy stuff, but we "are" talking about Puthoff with CIA, NSA etc. etc. connections - maybe he works for the same king.
My business with Puthoff is not open to discussion, but what Hal has provided are two completely different public answers to one very specific question, and a very important question about the Chernetski device.
Question my motives for pointing out the bare facts all you like - but I am not here to deceive you, I never have been nor have I ever worked for the NSA, CIA or any other government agency.
The truth is very simple and beyond question once the video of Hal is compared to his new answer, which is nothing short of attempting revisionist history, regardless of how Chertnetski's device really operates.
Jones, you refuse to watch the video yet you accuse me of what amounts to slandering Dr. Puthoffs good name - yet he has in fact provided two different answers to one question on a topic that could change the balance of power on this Planet, and that is no small matter. Try that under oath and they call your actions Clintonesque.
Please provide the specific reference to Puthoffs quote on the inoperability of my patented Plasma Device. And I know one other Physicist that knows Hal - and he can't keep a secret, but I can. Regardless of what Hal said about me - the point is what Hal actually said recently and many years ago on a paramount Energy discovery provide two completely different answers, and one of them is false.
Warmest Regards,
Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Arnold

Wonderful, now please ask Hal to watch the video of himself
disputing what he just told you and Mark. Maybe Hal forgot about
his private viewing, maybe he was told to forget about it, or
maybe he just wants EVERYONE ELSE to forget about his video
disclosure of such an Earth-shattering discovery.

I for one am tired of Hal Puthoffs brand of scientific
suppression, but if you want to believe what he said, while
ignoring what he said - no wonder the USA is falling behind in
scientific discoveries.

Video link...

Whoa...who is it that we are we falling behind? And is Hal now
part of the mainstream, and is he now actively suppressing working
inventions, Ha - what a laugh!

Yes, I would like to view this file (! when was it made?), but it is
a RealNetworks format, and I refuse to let anything that the
acknowledeged kings of spyware= RealNetworks produce, to run on my
computer... not that MS (the creator of WMP) is any saint in
regard to privacy, but I have finally gotten that media program
under control now, after removing about a hundred registry
entries, and I am not going to go through the same thing with
another marketing tool disguised as software.

Does anyone know - Are there any .rm Codecs for WMP out there? I
have been looking ever since I got this ridiculous message from
Christopher Arnold, in order to see what he is talking about.

Of all people who would shy away from any kind of
"suppressioin"...what an unbelievable accussation ... I cannot
see how anyone could place Puthoff in that category - as no one of
his intelligence has been more personally suppressed and belittled
by the mainstream than has Hal Puthoff.
And yes, I believe what he said in the recent message about his
results is absolutely true - despite what may been said in an old
interview.... while fully acknowldging that in "any interview,"
recent or old - it is possible to give the wrong impression to
others with a show of enthusiasm - is that what you are talking

Sure, Hal believes in strongly in the reality of ZPE, and in an
eventual ability to tap into it - he is expected to be very
enthusiastic about any invention that promises to harness ZPE -
but NO he is not going to support the specific details of any
technology that is over-blown - over-hyped or self-deceptive - as
was apparently the case with the Chernitskii tube that Hal tried
to replicate. The irony is - that tube may work, we will probably
never know due to the untimely death.

H.P. may believe, and probably does believe that it actually
worked for Chernitskii on occasion but that does not! relieve any
scientist from honestly reporting the fact that he was not able to
reproduce it following the exact blueprints he got while in
Moscow. THIS IS NOT SUPPRESSION. This is good science - you must
report the good along with the bad, even if you firmly believe
that ZPE is real.

It is absurd to accuse Puthoff of any kind of dishonesty or
suppression, and until I hear some apology from Arnold on that
point, I will not discuss naything futher with him on the
underlying technology - which could have very well been real -
even if Hal was not able to replicate it.

It would not be the first time by far that a replication fell
short of its promise but ad hominem attacks are clearly not
warranted in this case. One can only suspect, given these
circumstances, that the "real" reason for Arnold's stance re:
Puthoff relates back to a negative opinion given by Hal of
Arnold's work - and I hope I am mistaken on that.

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