The energy release from within my plasma chamber was at atmospheric pressure, then instantly jumped to 20 PSI. Electrical energy radiated "pulse" and was captured to drive a load.
Does energy radiating from a plasma sound familiar, or maybe Chernetski will ring a bell?
Chris look for the video under the images link.

Mike Carrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Ron Wormus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MAHG vs BLP reaction

> Mike,
> Does Mills have any runs done at 0.1 atm (~80Torr)? As I
> understand them, Mills experiments are all run at substantially
> lower pressures.
> Ron

Most of the BLP gas phase experiments have been done in the vicinity of 1
Torr. I think the issue is a balance between the basic need for the reaction
to take place between isolated H and catalyst atoms, and competing processes
that de-ionize catalysts and recombine H's. There have been some instances
where higher pressures were used for specific tests.

The pressure involved has to do with the competing rates of reactions, not
whether the reactions will occur. There is a vast parameter space to be
explored. Mills has said almost nothing about the extent of such
exploratio! ns, publishing only selected findings. To my knowledge Mills work
has been with flowing systems whose properties are defined and stable so
they can be studied. A closed system such as the MAHG is far more complex in
all the things that can be going on inside, so conclusions based on pressure
differences alone are very risky.

My point in the MAHG discussion is that elements known to produce BLP
reactions are present, so before ZPE is accalimed, tests should be made to
detect the BLP reactions whose signatures are well defined by Mills. IF
those signatures are looked for adequately and not found, then we may have
another energy phenomenon to understand, which would be fine.

Mike Carrell

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