---- Original Message ----- From: "OrionWorks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: Gasoline panic has begun in Atlanta

From: "Kyle Mcallister"
> From: "Jed Rothwell"


> I told her "serves you right for driving that big car!"
> It serves the whole damn nation right. I am sorry,
> but I have zero sympathy for people who drive gas
> guzzlers. They should have known this was going to
> happen sooner or later.

You go too far here. I'm sorry, but I am sure I am not
the only one here whois getting a little tired of the
holier than thou tirades. ...


FWIW, most vortexians completely understand and sympathize with the fact that low-income individuals & families cannot afford to purchase expensive energy efficient hybrids. It is, in fact, one of the vexing problems with the current market of energy efficiency vehicles - they ain't cheap. Ya gott be rich to afford them. I can't afford one either.

One of the reasons we agititate for a new energy regime such as cold fusion is out of concern for social justice. For those who are struggling in this world. Taking expensive energy out of the current economic equation would certainly raise everyone's standard of living in many ways. On our way to an exotic energy source like cold fusion or ZPE we can focus on some of the exciting new energy technologies from new solar schemes to highly efficient automobiles to bring about some energy parity. The way gasoline is racing higher this summer should indicate to everyone that gasoline does not have a future as a prime energy source.

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