> From: Jones Beene 


> Yup, a hydrino-assisted heat pump in your home, coming 
> soon....They must have finally gotten the Thermacore
> patent problems worked out.


Another thought ran through my noggin...

Assuming there is some truth to this rumor it really brings to bare, at least 
from my point of view, how the need to protect intellectual property and their 
associated patents has probably delayed the introduction of desperately needed 
alternative sources of energy into the mainstream - perhaps by years if not 

I'm also reminded of the legal hassles BLP has had to endure when they couldn't 
get a number of key processes patented because the technology they were trying 
to protect was based on theories the physics community flatly claimed was 
impossible, and as such, the patent office holding up the party line rejected 
them as well.

I can't help but think someone is eventually going to write a controversial 
book on these issues - how the introduction of beneficial inventions were 
almost criminally delayed from pubic introduction primarily due to legal 
hassles and intellectual bigotry.

I don't claim to have a better solution or how these matters could be better 
handled. I'll leave it to those who are in positions to either help or hinder 
the process - like an attorney!

Mr. Beene, what say you on this topic?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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