From: ThomasClark123


> Thanks for the reference to the above website.  I was
> looking for it but I forgot its location.  I found a
> good article that was posted a few years ago at this
> site on a ufo plasma engine:
> . 

Greetings Baron,

Excuse me for butting in here...

I was going to suggest that you might want to focus the creative energies of 
your inner light more in the manner of mythic interpretive tales, but then, 
after browsing some of your web links I see that is precisely what you do! For 
example, I see you've published poems and tales in Praise of Plato's Elysium 
and other scholarly subjects as well. 

That impresses me.

For what it's worth, the problem with expressing the universe in mythological 
terms and then speculating on scientific technologies (particularly speculative 
ones) is when one can not or is unwilling to distinguish the difference between 
the two realities. 

Both perceptions of reality are absolutely necessary. Both are absolutely 

But both perceptions are absolutely not the same.

I think it would also be helpful to review and test the contents of Inspired 
Writing (including what some would call "channeled" messages) in the same 
rigorous manner that any collected scientific "data" must endure. This harkens 
back to my previous comment that if one can not or is unwilling to distinguish 
the difference between the two perceptions of reality then one is in danger of 
loosing touch with the unique strengths both universes offer and how, when 
understood, both can complement and nurture the growth of our individual 

As you say: Get informed.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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