Yes, Craig I agree with that the unemployment scare has been their through
every step of the way. However, it has been right from the point of view
that the old job disappeared and new more interesting jobs was created.
I do not agree with that you compare this to any unrealized science
 problem. No, it is a problem that will be solved the revolutionary or the
evolutionary way.
I do not think it is some Robin Hood job required. We already have very
large transfer of money from the more well situated. Regardless of the
format that will continue. Perhaps less in the US or Europe. However, we
will be forced (or will find a smart solution) to let all people came to a
more equal living standard.
In 'the good old times' there where no federal taxes and state taxes were
in the single digits. That was before the steam engine and the Otto motor
and soooooooo long before LENR. There are new times. We need to accept
that. To keep all people less fortunate because they were not born in a
country like the US or Europe could have worked before Gutenberg but not in
the internet era. Now most countries adopt to new technologies but struggle
to bring along an older generation in to a new world (see China or India).
A generation or two ahead we need to have this problem resolved even if
there is no realization of that problem today.
There are good signs:
1. We can produce enough food to feed everyone.
2. We can get water to everyone there is no shortage although a question of
3. New very effective building concepts are coming to the market daily and
we can get people roof over their head without much sacrifice.
5. LENR would fix 2 above and eliminate all the problems with oil and gas
as the primary source for energy I.E political, geographical, religious,
economical etc.
This is a very simple but realistic solution.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 9:34 PM, Craig Haynie <>

> You have a prediction that there will be a high rate of unemployment, but
> these sorts of predictions started in the late 1800s with the expansion of
> industry. Now you're proposing a solution for this prediction, and believe
> that any opposition to this solution "does not make sense." But you
> wouldn't try to solve any other problem in this way. You wouldn't take a
> prediction based on loose science, and try to solve a problem which does
> not yet exist. Moreover, your solution requires taking money from people
> without their consent. So there is no way that someone opposed to your
> prediction, and your solution, could opt-out. I sympathize with your desire
> to try to solve an unrealized problem, but ask that you do not include
> those who disagree with your assessment of the problem, and your proposed
> solution.
> Craig
> On 12/09/2014 06:06 PM, a.ashfield wrote:
>> I have been writing about the coming high rate of permanent unemployment
>> that I expect.  An unconditional income to everyone is one the few ideas
>> that shows promise.  I was surprised to see that a large experiment has
>> actually been carried out in India and the results are fascinating.
>> Whether that will apply to a more developed country remains to be seen.
>> Switzerland voted it down quite recently.  I expect the major difficulty
>> here to try it would be the GOP, but logically that does not make sense.
>> Thanks for linking the video.
>> Adrian Ashfield

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