
Your idea of gryomagnetic fields and associated resonances may be the key to 
effecting a controlled reaction.  T

From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2015 9:44 AM
To: vortex-l 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Cat stimultion

It is currently my sincere belief that the E-Cat goes through two phases on its 
way to stability and controllability as follows: a startup phase and a stable 

During the startup phase, the powered reactor (mouse) is in danger of a blowout 
due to the appearance of a hot spot at some arbitrary position in the fuel load 
of the reactor. This hot spot will reach very high temperatures and melt 
through the core and release the hydrogen envelope.

Most alumina shell reactors will be destroyed in the startup phase by a hot 
spot as the reactor struggles to enter the stable phase. This blowout has 
happened to the Denis Vasilenko experiment.

Unless the shell of the reactor is strong enough to resist the power of this 
hot spot, the experiment will result in reactor destruction. Most alumina 
reactor tests will end in this way as the hot spot destroys the reactor.

But sometimes by chance, the alumina reactor gets through this startup phase 
and enters the stable phase. During this phase, hot spots cease to be a 
problem. For the alumina reactor, this stable condition is rare and only 
happens by chance. Out of all the experiments that Parkhomov has performed, his 
experiments have only resulted in a stable reactor but a few times.

In the stable phase, blowout does not occur. However, meltdown can occur if the 
temperature of the reactor is pushed to high. Meltdown is not a blowout because 
a Meltdown continues even after the shell of the reactor has been destroyed. A 
meltdown occurs as a global over heating event throughout the entire volume of 
the core.

A meltdown will not occur during the startup phase because a phase transition 
into stability has not occurred. The goal of an alumina reactor experiment is 
to get through the startup phase and enter the stability phase. Because of the 
fragility of the alumina shell, the stability phase is seldom achieved.

To aid in getting through the startup phase, I suggest using a more robust 
reactor shell to contain the power of the hot spot or somehow reinforce the 
alumina tube with metal containment.

On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 1:59 AM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

  Rossi said:

  Andrea Rossi

  June 16th, 2015 at 7:31 PM


  Looking at the derivatives I would answer more like popcorns, looking at the 
integral I would say piece of charcoal.

  Warm Regards,

  Sibilla Cumana

  In this post, Rossi is speaking as the oracle Sibilla Cumana. The title of 
Sibilla Cumana was held by the high priestess of the ' oracle of Apollo (Greek 
sun god) and Hecate (ancient lunar goddess pre-Hellenic), located in the city 
oraclemagnogreca of Cuma . She carried out its activities oracular near Lake 
Averno , in a cave known as the '' The Sybil's Cave "where the priestess, 
inspired by the gods, transcribed in hexameters his predictions on leaves of 
palm which, at the end of prediction, were mixed by twenty percent from the 
openings of the cave, making predictions "cryptic". Its importance was in the 
Italic world equal to that of the famous oracle of Apollo of Delphi in Greece  

  Rossi wants to be oh so cleaver in this post. He enjoys feeding tidbits to 
the jumping fish. He likes to see them flapping and spinning in the air.


  IMHO, “Looking at the derivatives” means that LENR occurs in the E Cat in 
many powerful nanobursts. Each LENR nanobursts reaction is discrete. There are 
many individual powerful bursts. When the reaction is looked at in derivatives, 
many discrete events are seen. S the reaction increases, the number of 
nanobursts increase. This is when control is in danger and the blowout danger 
is great.

  If the reactor survives, the reaction matures and a state of Bose 
condensation is established. When the reaction gets to this state of maturity, 
it is looked at as an integral, these many individual events occur at a 
constant nanoburst rate and on the average produces a smooth production of 
energy over a extended time frame that is at a maximum at the start but fades 
over time.

  When Bose condensation sets in, a state of super radiance is established. 
Each nanoburst effects all the others so that blowout is no longer a problem.

  For example, Parknomov blowout many reactors, but just by luck one survived 
the blowout phase. Once super radiance set in, blowout is no longer a problem 
because the nanoburst moderate each other in a super-atom averaging 
process...the nanobursts talk to each other through quantum mechanics. In this 
super radiant stage the nanobursts essentially have the same energy output 
based on quantum mechanical averaging.

  What Rossi has done is make sure that the mouse survives the initial 
nanoburst phase by keeping the COP of the mouse very low. The mouse will always 
make it to the super radiant stage. The mouse transfers the quantum mechanical 
super atom Bose condensate condition to one or more Cats. These Cat do not face 
the danger of the nanoburst stage. All the Cats become super radiant. The Cats 
become very productive in a state of global shared Bose condensation.


  When many individual reactors are controlled in a sequence where the initial 
burst from the reaction drives the next reactor to produce a quantum 
mechanically average global burst delayed in time and so on around in a cycle 
of maximum to miniatum reaction intensity over many reactors, a relatively 
constant amount of power can be produced.

  On Sat, Jun 20, 2015 at 12:24 AM, Bob Cook <> wrote:

    Strong local magnetic fields may be established by SPP  entities at 
appropriate temperatures.  The combination of correct temperature (phonic 
lattice vibrations) and magnetic field may create the necessary resonances (NMR 
and lattice vibrations) to allow new coherent system configuration with lower 
net binding energy.

    As you suggest, knowing the correct resonances may the key for engineering 
a working fuel particle and driver electronics.

    Bob Cook

    -----Original Message----- From:
    Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 3:36 PM
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: Cat stimultion

    In reply to  Bob Cook's message of Thu, 18 Jun 2015 22:54:43 -0700: 


    Yes, that's basically what I had in mind. Note however that in order for net
    energy to be released a nuclear reaction of some kind has to occur. Perhaps
    Rossi's theoretician is correct, and Li needs to be stimulated to a higher
    energy level before the fusion reaction can take place. NMR might be the
    mechanism that does that. If so, then it should be possible to engineer a 
    improved device, by concentrating on the gyromagnetic ratio of Li7 and 
    frequency and magnetic field strengths to match.
    However there is also the possibility that as the Li7 becomes excited, the
    gyromagnetic ratio will change (due to a change in structure of the 
    This could be another reason that the varying magnetic field is important:- 
    can "follow" the change and supply the correct field strength repeatedly.



      It is my understanding that the resonance with magnetic dipoles of a 
      is with a RF signal that invokes a small energy shift in the subject
      nucleus.  These resonances are modified by a magnetic field.  The energy
      absorbed in a resonant transition reflects a differential spin quantum
      number from the ground (unexcited) energy state of the subject nucleus. 
      energy associated with a single spin quanta is small.  It may be possible 
      excite nuclear magnetic dipoles by more than one quanta and reach a higher
      excited energy state than one spin quanta above the base.   The resulting
      "eximer" may not decay to the original base state, but to an entirely
      different nucleus with a loss of mass (spin energy mass) distributed as
      thermal energy to the rest of the coherent system to which it is coupled.

      In the case of LiAlH bonded to a Ni nano particle, maybe with dissolved H 
      the Ni lattice, all of  which is a coherent system.

      Bob Cook

      -----Original Message----- From:
      Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 8:13 PM
      Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cat stimultion

      In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Thu, 18 Jun 2015 20:43:15 -0400:

        Natural gas did not work. Its more than just heat.

      That's interesting. It made me think of MRI where resonance occurs for a
      specific combination of frequency and magnetic field strength. If a 
      frequency is available then resonance could be achieved by regularly 
      magnetic field strength as would occur with AC current.

      Knowing your penchant for all things magnetic, I guess you have already
      suggested this. :)


      Robin van Spaandonk


    Robin van Spaandonk

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