First off, ashfield - it is next to impossible to libel Rossi. The judicial 
system of Italy has guaranteed that. His Wiki entry, read by millions, begins 
this way:

"Andrea Rossi (born 3 June 1950) is an Italian convicted fraudster and claimed 

My remarks were more generous - since I agree that he is a skilled inventor. 
Secondly, you apparently cannot read and understand English very well, or do 
not understand the importance of scientific proof... maybe your "coding" 
problem goes deeper. Thirdly, a portion of what Gary Wright mentions on his 
blog is true, which still leaves open the possibility that scientific proof, if 
it exists, is the only outcome which will win the day for Rossi. 

Very simply put – proof of Rossi’s claims is absent. I will repeat it for your 
benefit - Rossi could be a skilled inventor, but there is actual proof that he 
is a fraud and thus he cannot be given benefit of the doubt as could others 
without his history … 

As for Vortex, we do not need your gullible, true-believer attitude here, and 
that is all you seem to have to offer. If you want to bolster Rossi, stick to 
facts and avoid criticizing other posters for stating facts.

-----Original Message-----
From: a.ashfield 

What you wrote, that Rossi is a liar and a fraud, is more suited to the muck in than Vortex.

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