It seems to me that what you don;t want to do is design a reactor that
produces tritium. Tritium production is a nonstarter in the reactor
business. The NRC will shut down any reactor that produces tritium even in
the smallest amounts. What is Godes thinking here?

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>  “We are an engineering company. We are making equipment that companies
>> should be able to go out and produce things themselves. We don’t want to
>> produce things; it’s not what Brillouin is about. . . .
>> Jed, did you not understand the business plan explained here?
> Yes, I think I understand it better than Godes does. He says he "does not
> want to produce things" yet he spends millions of his investor's dollars
> producing things!
> If this is really his strategy, then he should make a device that produces
> heat around 100 to 1000 W. He should make it as reliable as he can, with
> the best power density. He should demonstrate it is real. Everything after
> that should be left to his customers, which should be industrial
> corporations. When it comes to engineering a 104 kW heat source or a
> generator, they have immeasurably more experience and expertise that he
> does. Plus they probably would not like to see him compete with them.
> - Jed

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