From: Bob Higgins 

*       Jones, I would like to hear your arguments of evidence that the muons 
CAME from the proton.


The CERN report is certainly aware of the implications of pair formation. Good 
evidence comes from that - and the next best comes as implications from 
Holmlid’s papers.

I am assuming, based on prior reports from the LHC that they understand by 
position (relative to the impact zone) whether a particle derives from pair 
formation or not – since there is a time delay for pairs. CERN apparently 
considers these muons to be derived from the collision as primary debris, based 
on their report.

I picked up on that story in support of Stubb’s papers, but I do not 
necessarily agree that he is correct. I only stumbled on his site a couple of 
days ago, and am trying to gauge the informed objections to it (such as your 
own). However, if Holmlid is correct, then Stubbs muon theory goes a long way 
to explain those amazing results. They are extremely important results - for 
LENR, perhaps the most important for theoretical understanding in the 25+ year 
history of the field.

Holmlid is getting a lot of attention in the science press, most of it 
negative. I have a feeling that one or more groups (especially someone at SLAC) 
will endeavor to replicate his experiment. If they should find the anything 
similar, then the focus of the field will probably shift (pun intended). That 
is, the focus will shift to laser input (or at least semi-coherent light).

I know you are familiar with the Letts/Cravens effect. I think those gentlemen 
opened the door for this and I hope they go back and take full advantage of 
that earlier effort. 


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