You are suggesting an interesting concept Bob.  Do you suppose that there is 
phononic coupling between the individual reacting sites resulting in some form 
of chain reaction?   If that is true then a threshold density of deuterium 
would be required in order to spread a local burn.  Otherwise you might expect 
a somewhat linear reaction rate with deuterium density.





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 6, 2015 7:58 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Re: LENR theory

The laser is made up of a specific frequency of oscillating electric and 
magnetic fields of considerable intensity (oscillating amplitudes).  It is 
either the electric field or magnetic field of the laser at an appropriate 
frequency in resonance with the resonance frequency of the electronic bonds of 
the FCC crystal lattice or the orbital magnetic moments of the electrons 
bonding the lattice that are excited to energies above their ground state that 
cause deflection of the lattice.   These resonant electric and magnetic fields 
cause the lattice to vibrate in resonant phonic energy states and not random 
vibrations associated with a temperature and its spectrum of different lattice 
frequencies.  The deflections of the lattice parameters can be substantially 
greater than would occur at any given temperature.  These greater vibrations 
provide for more motion of the lattice nuclei and potential for close approach 
and a LENR reaction.  When H or D are found inside a FCC crystal lattice 
position, the localized energy of the vibrating lattice can be enough to force 
the H or D together and or to force them close to a lattice nucleus.  The same 
effects may occur in a tight defect in the lattice or a vacancy in the normal 
lattice structure.  Alloying elements in a lattice may also change the modes of 
vibration and cause D and or H to be forced together more than in a normal 
lattice vacancy or inside a normal FCC lattice cube.  
As suggested above the addition of energy to the lattice is much different than 
occurs during resistance heating where electrons are drawn down a voltage 
gradient and collide at random with nuclei of the lattice and/or non-conducting 
electrons of the lattice.  This random collision is what causes the lattice to 
vibrate at various frequencies and results in some temperature resulting from 
the electrical resistance of the lattice and its relative random response to 
the electrons’ kinetic energies.  
Adding energy by resistance heating causes only a relatively few lattice bonds 
to vibrate at any given frequency, whereas a laser beam would cause many more 
lattice bonds to vibrate at the desired frequency.  The desired frequency is of 
course the natural resonant frequency of the lattice—much like a spring has a 
resonant frequency.   The motion of the lattice particles is the greatest at 
the resonant frequency and can increase substantially with substantial resonant 
energy input that may be provided by an intense laser beam, even during a very 
short duration in time.  Hence large lattice displacements and LENR may occur 
with very little total energy input.  
If LENR does occur in a lattice, it will heat the lattice and produce random 
vibrations in the normal spectrum of vibrations.  The laser can stimulate the 
lattice positions that happen to be vibrating at the laser frequency to gain in 
their amplitudes and hence influence  local H or D molecules or Cooper pairs or 
whatever is in the FCC lattice position of defect or void to react.   Such 
laser increases the population of lattice vibrations at the right frequency and 
amplitude necessary for LENR compared to such vibrations induced by temperature 
These are only rough classical ideas of what may occur.  
Bob Cook


From: Axil Axil 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 12:31 PM
To: vortex-l 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:LENR theory

"A departure from equilibrium must be established that will permit an external 
energy source (eg. the DC power supply in an electrolysis experiment and/or a 
pair of low power lasers as in the Letts/Hagelstein two laser experiment) to 
feed energy into the H-H or D-D stretching mode vibrations. The difference in 
chemical potential that is established in gas loading experiments can also 
serve very nicely; in this case the flux feeds energy into the stretching mode 

Light is usually reflected from the surface of a metal. In order for there to 
be energy transferred from light to the lattice, an energy conversion process 
must apply. What exactly gets the lattice to vibrate? 

When electrons are applied to the lattice surface in the case of  DC current, 
how do the electrons produce lattice vibrations? If the stimulus is heat caused 
by electrical resistance, what localizes the heat? How did they determine that 
localized vibrations were occurring? Did they just assume that 
superoscillations were happening?

In the case of laser light stimulation, why is a very specific frequency of 
light required? Any type of light will produce heat. 

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:04 PM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

I think this paper may well be the most important one since   Pons and 
Fleischmann's original announcement.
Pity that Vortex didn't want   to display it as it sent it here before sending 
it to ECatWorld.
It would   be much easier to discuss with the full paper visible.


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