If LENR is producing mesons, pions, and muons, how does that effect
reaction types?

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:38 PM, Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:55 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:
> For comparison, Rossi stated his current theory in a recent interview.
>> "“My theory is that a proton from a hydrogen atom enters, by the quantum
>> tunneling effect, into a nucleus of Li-7 (i.e., a lithium nucleus of atomic
>> weight 7), forming a nucleus of Be-8 (i.e., a beryllium nucleus of atomic
>> weight 8), which then decays in a few seconds into two alpha particles
>> (helium nuclei), accompanied with the release of significant nuclear
>> energy."
> Here are relevant reactions (I think my script is working now!):
> $ python scripts/reactions.py "H+Li"
> d + 6Li → p + 7Li + 5027 keV                            n-transfer, stable
> d + 6Li → 2·4He + 22373 keV                             stable, α
> p + 7Li → 2·4He + 17346 keV                             stable, α
> p + 6Li → 3He + 4He + 4020 keV                          stable, α
> d + 6Li → p + t + 4He + 2559 keV                        n-transfer, t, α, →β-
> d + 6Li → t + 5Li + 593 keV                             n-transfer, t, →p, →β-
> d + 7Li → 4He + 5He + 14387 keV                         α, →n
> d + 6Li → 3He + 5He + 1060 keV                          →n
> d + 7Li → ɣ + 9Be + 16694 keV                           stable, ɣ
> d + 6Li → ɣ + 8Be + 22281 keV                           ɣ, →α
> p + 7Li → ɣ + 8Be + 17254 keV                           ɣ, →α
> d + 6Li → ɣ + 8Be (i) + 5655 keV                        ɣ, →α
> p + 6Li → ɣ + 7Be + 5607 keV                            ɣ, →ε
> d + 7Li → ɣ + 9Be (i) + 2304 keV                        ɣ
> p + 7Li → ɣ + 8Be (i) + 628 keV                         ɣ, →α
> d + 7Li → n + 2·4He + 15122 keV                         n, α, →β-
> d + 7Li → n + 8Be + 15030 keV                           n, →α, →β-
> d + 6Li → n + 7Be + 3382 keV                            n, →β-, →ε
> d + 6Li → n + 3He + 4He + 1795 keV                      n, α, →β-
> Since many of these reactions are not happening, if Rossi's speculation is
> correct, this suggests several things:
>    - either the proton is masked as a neutral particle (e.g., an "Exotic
>    Neutral Particle" or hydrino, or electron screening from the lattice,
>    etc.), or there is some external force holding the proton close to the
>    lithium nucleus
>    - there is something suppressing the gamma-producing branches
>    - there is something suppressing the neutron-producing branches
>    - there is something favoring branches with stable daughters
> If Rossi's speculation is right, the challenge of a theory would be to
> explain these bullet points.
> Eric

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