You said ;

It is implausible at this stage because jet engines require extremely high
temperatures and power density
I might have missed something but I thought LENR has high energy density.
How to get high pressure is an engineering issue if I understand right. I
take Rossi's statement as an indication that they can see openings to
create a propulsion unit for airplanes.Your timeframe is not my experience
(I went to school 300 feet from a jet propulsion lab - probably why I did
not like school so much:).The safety aspect is there regardless of which
application we talk about. I think the progression is directed by the
market so either the easiest or the most profitable. My thinking was that
there is resources in the aerospace industry and they know that ROI takes
its time and the winner is the one that can command the new technology
first and best.
How and why and what can be developed I do not know. I am glad that you can
see the positive possibility p let us hope that Rossi has everything under
control for the sake of LENR and even more for the sake of having cheap
energy helping us even things out between different part of the world
without having to adopt islam.
Exciting is what I think.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros

+1 916 436 1899

Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon, must inevitably come to pass. (PJM)

On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com> wrote:
>> If he can produce electricity why is a jet engine  implausible?
> It is implausible at this stage because jet engines require extremely high
> temperatures and power density -- much more than any other application. It
> take 10 or 20 years to develop a new jet engine, compared to only ~2 to ~5
> years for an internal combustion engine or a generator (depending on the
> size of the machine).
> The other reason this is unlikely is that aerospace engines and other
> aerospace components such as radar are the most safety critical and
> expensive machines on earth. They are the last thing you develop, not the
> first. A jet engine failure can easily become catastrophic in a way that no
> automotive or marine engine would be.
> If cold fusion pans out I am sure that various aerospace engines will be
> developed, but they will be the last thing people develop, not among the
> first. They will be developed after many decades when the technology is
> mature and billions of other machines have been manufactured and run for
> billions of years cumulatively, making reliability as high as it is for
> today's liquid fuel heat engines.
> Near term aerospace applications might include propeller engines for
> drones, cold fusion electric power supplies, and synthetic liquid fuel made
> with cold fusion energy, which would lower the cost of air transportation.
> - Jed

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