On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Esa Ruoho <esaru...@gmail.com> wrote:

The result is that a permanent electric field is "frozen" into the gel
> material, with positive and negative poles. This polarized electric field
> then interacts with the two dissimilar metals to generate an electric
> current, in a way that is analogous to how the magnetic fields in the
> "classic" perpetual motion machine Orbo interacted with one another to
> generate force. The electric field frozen into the gel material works in a
> way that parallels the frozen magnetic fields of permanent magnets.

This description does not make sense to me.  Even if there was a way to
build a permanent "electret" that is analogous to a permanent magnet, I do
not see how it would work.  It seems to me the current would quickly
saturate the potential of the electret and would drop off to zero.


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