Russ George sounds like the troll in this exchange. 


Rossi’s petulant and child-like bursts of anger are well-documented…


From: Russ George 


Your branding of Rossi by saying  ‘his burst of anger’ is just plain bullshit. 
By definition of all the standards in what a Troll does that is a troll’s 
comment!  Here’s a reference to support my statement


Vortex needs to clean up its act and stop the trolling. 


From: Daniel Rocha 


The document says IH raised 50 million from investors. That's not a lot 
considering the importance of the invention. It could be that, due skepticism, 
they couldn't reach the full 90 million, and couldn't fulfill their part. Or at 
least they did, but no so much to do anything useful on a large scale. So, 
Rossi went into a burst of anger and accused IH of keeping the invention for 

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