It seems that IH is responsible for a lot of what we have seen as Rossi's

Dear Janne:
I have to comment the press release of IH, being a press release and not a
forensic act.
They made the Lugano reactor ( they also signed it ) they made many
replications of which we have due record and witnesses, they made multiple
patent applications ( without my authotization ) with their chief engineer
as the co-inventor ( he invented nothing ) , with detailed description of
the replications , they made replications with the attendance of Woodford,
after which they got 50 or 60 millions of dollars from Woodfords’
investors, they made replications with the attendance of Chinese top level
officers, after which they started thanks to the E-Cat they made an R&D
activity in China in a 200 millions concern, they made replications with an
E-Cat completely made by them under my direction the very day in which the
1 MW plant has been delivered in Raleigh, they made replications that we
have recorded. After the replication they made with the attendance of
Woodford in 2013 Mr Tom Darden said publicly: ” this replication has been
stellar” ( witnesses available). But this is not the place to discuss this.
We have prepared 18 volumes to explain exactly and in detail the activity
of our “Licensee” and his acquaintances from 2013 to now. Until they had to
collect money thanks to the E-Cat, they made replications and have been
happy with the E-Cat; when it turned to have to pay, they discovered that
they never made replications, that the ERV that they had chosen with us was
not good, that the test on the 1 MW plant, thanks to which they collected
enormous amounts of money from the investors and where I put at risk my
health working 16-18 hours per day was not a good test ( but for all the
year of the test they NEVER said a single word of complaint, even if they
had constantly their men in the plant, etc etc. But the worse has still to
come out. The worse is in the 18 volumes we will present in due time, in
due place. A blog is not the right place to discuss a litigation. This is
only a quick answer to the press release made by IH.
Ad majora.
Warm Regards,

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