Just forget calorimetry.

IH have a licend to E-cat technology and derivation.
If E-cat work they will make billions of $ of benefits, sharing par with
Rossi, who will also make billion on other geographic zones like EU...

It would be stupid thus to be in trouble with Rossi, to risk to lose the
license, and nobody even POTUS can pay enough to  convince someone of
abandoning those billions.

if IH have reasonable hope that E-cat works they will care not to hurt the
personality of Rossi because they are dependent on him.

conclusion :
IH have never succeeded in making an E-cat work ("could not substantiate")
IH think they will never be able to make an E-cat work as the process is
engaged (need to force IP transfer or dump the contract).

now this does not says is the 1MW*350days calorimetry was good, if the
client was real or dummy, ...

This just say this is unimportant.

I don't care if Ford won Formula 1 championchip, if my Ford car cannot

2016-05-23 4:37 GMT+02:00 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <

> I have rejoined vortex briefly to express a couple of cents. I don't
> expect to stay her long. It's too damned addictive.
> OK... Regarding the latest Rossi vs I.H. saga:
> Having observed Jed's eclectic contributions to the Vort Collective since
> the 1990s it's been my experience that few Vort members have been as
> thorough, meticulously so, or as objective, as Mr. Rothwell has been when
> it comes to evaluating basic calorimetry. Because I'm not an expert in
> calorimetry it behooves me to carefully evaluate the opinions and
> assessments of those who, in my opinion, are experienced experts in the
> field. Having observed the quality of Mr. Rothwell's posts for more than
> three decades I have no problem yielding to most of his extensive
> experience (and opinion) on such matters. I should also mention that I'm
> willing to listen to Ed Storm's opinions and evaluations as well,. I gather
> Ed may have possibly concluded a very different scenario concerning Rossi's
> alleged professional proclivities. Evaluating Mr. Rothwell's opinions,
> combined with Ed Storms, and perhaps a few others can certainly give me a
> lot to chew on!
> I am not in a position to determine whether Rossi is or isn't a fraud.
> Meanwhile, Jed has access to crucial I.H. calorimetric data that most of us
> in the peanut gallery don't possess. Jed appears to have come to the
> conclusion that Rossi's recent actions concerning his dealings with I.H.
> indicate strong fraudulent activity. Again, I yield to Jed's extensive
> experience (and opinion) concerning calorimetric issues while I also
> continue to keep Ed Storm's opinions on the matter in the mixture as well.
> One can come up with a million different reasons as to why we flawed human
> beings occasionally behave in seemingly evasive and dishonest ways. Buyer
> beware.
> While I remain fascinated by this latest Rossi saga, a saga which is still
> unfolding, I find myself even more fascinated by the amount of bargaining
> (of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross kind) that I see coming from certain Vort
> participants as they go about challenging Mr. Rothwell's, latest Rossi
> criticisms. I remain fascinated that some of these posters seem incapable
> of entertaining the possibility that Rossi's calorimetric claims might
> indeed be worthless, or worse, possibly even fraudulent. Why is it
> important to cast so much doubt on Mr. Rothwell's latest Rossi assessments?
> I can think of one possibility:
> As a former member of Dr. Mills SCP Yahoo group I observed a lot of smart
> observant posters occasionally asking difficult questions of the good
> doctor. Unfortunately, I also observed a lot of hero worshiping of the good
> doctor. I suspect certain posts I made concerning observations I made that
> seemed to suggest there existed an ardent cheerleading section may have
> contributed to me being kicked out by Dr. Mills himself. Lately, I see a
> similar kind of hero worshipping occurring within the Vort Collective among
> certain posters. I find myself wondering what are the chances are that any
> of these worshipers have accumulated anywhere near the amount of
> calorimetric experience that Mr. Rothwell has accumulated. Under the
> circumstances, what can an ardent worshipper do? One option is to fall back
> on a relentless campaign of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross bargaining against Jed's
> calorimetric evaluations.
> I suspect Jed will eventually tire of participating in this futile tactic
> since it seems clear to me that worshipers have no intention of abandoning
> their currently chosen idol. I'm astounded that Jed hasn't already given up
> on this futile task.
> At present I lack sufficient evidence to arrive at a conclusion that
> suggests ALL of Rossi's experimental devices have never worked. I realize I
> could be wrong on this point but I still find it plausible to speculate
> that Rossi may have indeed discovered excess heat emanating from some of
> his earlier experiments. Jed can correct me on this point but I believe he
> have at one time also speculated on that possibility. I leads me to
> speculate that after all these years Rossi may still have very little or no
> control at all over this illusive beast. He may still have very little clue
> as to how to properly control and commercially exploit his discovery. To
> me, that might be the real crux of the Rossi enigma. The lack of control
> continues to hound Rossi's dreams of striking it rich. I could see how such
> a scenario could turn out to be a difficult, messy, unscrupulous affair as
> Rossi tries to entice additional investors into funding his dream of
> eventually riding this illusive Pegasus into the blue sky while being
> forced to insinuate (perhaps even lie) that he has already captured and
> tamed the mythical beast. I could see how such a scenario might explain a
> LOT of Rossi's unscrupulous behavior. I don't mean to imply that I condone
> such evasiveness.
> Meanwhile, there's always Occam's Razor to keep in mind. Occam suggests
> Rossi is simply a fraud. It would seem the best thing I can do for now is
> to continue juggling both of these viewpoints in my head. I will continue
> juggling them for as long as both are willing to cohabitate within the
> confines of my rattling head. But eventually, one of them will have to be
> kicked out.
> I remain exasperated. It seems to me that all Rossi really has to do to
> vindicate himself is prove to the world that his latest disputed
> calorimetric claims are more accurate than the evidence I.H. claims it
> possesses. Unfortunately, I'm acquiring the disquieting suspicion that we
> who reside in the honorable peanut gallery may never get to see both sides
> of the evidence, side-by-side. We may never be able to make an adequate
> comparison.
> What Rossi's behavior tells me, more than anything, is that I shouldn't
> invest a single dime of my paltry investments with him. I find his actions
> to be too unreliable.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> orionworks.com
> http://www.zazzle.com/orionworks
> http://stevenvincentjohnson.bandcamp.com/

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