I think that claiming Rossi is lying or scamming could be extrapolating his
behavior akin to "reductio ad absurdum".  The truth is seldom so black and
white.  Rossi is known to shrewdly lead people on wild goose chases to
obfuscate what he does know.  He may well exaggerate the performance of his
technology.  So far, evidence suggests that Rossi does have some working
LENR technology, but perhaps not the COP>50 technology being presently

Look at the hotCat for example.  Rossi taught IH how to build the Lugano
device.  The Lugano researchers measured it as having excess heat.  We all
know at this point that the Lugano measurements and subsequent analysis
were flawed; however, from my analysis I never believed the device produced
zero XH.  In subsequent analysis by A. Parkhomov, the fuel was deduced and
tested.  Parkhomov makes a good case for this LENR fuel system having
measurable XH.  Other researchers, including S. Jiang and Zhanghang have
also reported XH from this same system.  So, where did this LENR fuel
formulation come from?  Well, it came from Rossi.  So, it is certainly an
imaginative extrapolation to imply that Rossi has no LENR technology.

The question really boils down to whether he has met the terms of his
license agreement with IH to receive his next round of funding.  As the
technology license recipient, IH genuinely believes that the technology has
not been transferred, because they cannot use what they have been given to
produce high COP, high power heating promised by Rossi.  Taken with what IH
knows about the 1 year testing, they do not believe that he met *that*
contract milestone either.  Rossi could well have failed to meet the
contractual milestones required to receive the next round money under the
contract, may have exaggerated the results of the 1 year test, but that
doesn't mean that he did not produce any XH.

Jed is logically extending the possibility for large scale statistical
errors into the conclusion that there was no XH.  While I don't have the
data, that is not necessarily the most probable conclusion from those
results.  This is the same for the Lugano test - the data taken and errors
made in analysis provided no *proof* of XH or COP>2, but that doesn't mean
that the most probable conclusion from the data was that there was zero
XH.  Parkhomov believed there was enough probability of XH from the Lugano
experiment that he was motivated to invest his time and try it for
himself.  In the end, his experiments support existence of at least some XH
in that system.

Analysis of the Lugano results benefited the greater LENR community and
opened the possibility for a new line of LENR research because sufficient
details were released about the experiment to permit some level of back
engineering.  Community analysis made that possible.  That same benefit
does not seem to be forthcoming in this case - we are all just pundits in a
private legal matter between IH and Rossi.  None of this Vortex dialog will
not bring out details of the reaction useful to extend the science.  We are
all wasting our time commenting on the case (I have been sucked in just
like everyone else).

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