From: Roarty, Francis X 

*       Yep, no one wants to believe significant levels of time dilation and 
Lorentzian contraction can occur when gas loads in the interstitial space and 
defects of metal lattices but it is the easiest solution to multiple anomalies.

At the most recent Bay Area meetup, which I missed, the following was presented 
-- which involves anomalous heat from gas phase Pd-D. It sounds a lot like the 
design of CoolEssence (Moddel et al) except they predict real fusion.

Quote: “The engine design is based around nanoparticles (of palladium) trapped 
in a proton conducting ceramic (zirconia). Fuel (deuterium) moves through the 
ceramic freely, and is taken up by the sponge-like nanoparticles.

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