I too think Mills has something with great promise. I don't know enough exotic physics to pass judgement on his GUT but it seems he has made some good points that have not been answered by his critics.

I don't see how you can claim Rossi's reaction would harm nearby electronics as that would have been obvious from the plant instrumentation and it's not.

Likewise I wouldn't count Rossi out yet. He's run far more experiments than anybody else and gone from small to large and back to small again. I think he is being conservative in what he now claims. The QuarkX is 2 cm long by 6 mm dia producing 20 watts minimum. I suspect the increased size is because he is counting the tubular shield around it that converts the radiation to heat.The earlier Quarks were much smaller and ran up to 100 Watts, so he has something to play with. He says he is working with a turbine company and one can see how the QuarkX would be a good match at 1400C.

On 11/6/2016 2:02 PM, Axil Axil wrote:
I have recently said that Rossi's technology...a lithium 7 burner... would be regulated by the nuclear authorities. I have recently said that Rossi's tech would be restricted to the electric utilities. I have recently said that Rossi's reaction is producing muons by the ton and would disable any electronics within a mile through EMF interference. Rossi's tech will not be a trillion dollar technology because of these limitations. Rossi's tech is a low density power producer so that his reactors are stable and will not melt down. On the other hand, BLP produces high density power without lithium and the fear of meltdown.

I am now an ardent admirer of Mills who has solve most of the issues inherent in high power density LENR reactor design. I love high power density in a reactor.

Mills can get top of the line power density out of just hydrogen fuel without melting down the reactor, something that Rossi has been trying to do for years now.

The liquid electron idea is great and its implementation is even better. You can't meltdown something that is already melted. An miracle upon miracles is the self driven plasma reaction that can last for minutes without input stimulation. No one would have ever imagined that this astounding feat was even possible.

And most satisfy trait of all, Mills is completely open and will explain how is tech works.

Rossi on the other hand has sacrificed power density for 5 sigma. He has cut his power density by a factor of 1000 to keep his reactor from early destruction. Low reactor power density paves the road to system failure.

Mills can improve power density even more by adding CAT/MOUSE based multi electrode operation. Mills can add magnetic protection to his structure to produce a hot fusion/LENR hybrid design with huge power density...a 100 megawatt reactor in a breadbox.

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