Hi Kevin,

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Kevin O'Malley <kevmol...@gmail.com> wrote:

You have a perception of someone who claims to be a lawyer who has missed
> at least 2 major aspects of the law with respect to this case.  You have a
> one-sided perception.   HE WAS THE ONE WHO STARTED THE INSULTS.  But you
> put ME on probation.   That says volumes about your moderating ability.

In your pugnacious attacks, you will drive away informed participants such
as woodworker.  woodworker's slights were subtle.  Your retorts were crass
and sought to escalate the matter.  Hopefully the distinction is apparent
to you.  Informed participants with relevant experience are the people we
seek to attract.  We would ideally *not* attract pugnacious participants
such as yourself, but there's only so much we can do.

You say I was given a request on a side thread, and then a warning AFTER I
> WAS PUT ON PROBATION.   Your approach is completely screwed up.

Yes, point conceded.  Better recollecting what I had in mind when I said
you were on "probation" (not something that has not been formalized at LENR
Forum), you were basically put in the category of participants such as
Sifferkoll the minute I saw that you were on the attack.  I've seen you in
action on Vortex, so your reputation proceeded you.

I'm going to disengage in this discussion with you about moderation at LENR
Forum at this point and allow you the last word.


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