more generally correlation of complex signal mean uch more than just
signal, one shot corelation, of simple/regular signal corrélation.

correlating two ramp, two exponential is nearly meaningless (this is
however often published in newspapers - some correlated increase of organic
food production and autism declaration in US).

correlating oscillations is better, but it can just be loosely synchonizeed
signal and random luck.

best is output correlated to an irregular, random output.

correlation however can be real but linked to a classical phenomenon. eg
heat out from heat in may be related but just normally. so correlation
between things that should not, even through artifact, is meaningful.

He4/Heat correlation is thousands time more convincing than calorimetry
alone or mass spectrometry alone.

multiple independent instruments are also more convincing than just two.

2017-07-16 2:34 GMT+02:00 Jed Rothwell <>:

> Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:
>> There is no known chemical interaction that leads to
>> hydrogen/deuterium generating gammas when mixed with nickel/palladium.
>>   Even if there is no excess heat, it MUST be a nuclear phenomena.
> People familiar these detectors tell me that a one-off event that does not
> repeat is probably an instrument glitch, or an extraterrestrial event. We
> can't say it MUST be a nuclear phenomenon until we see it happen often,
> with multiple instruments and things like TOF verification.
> - Jed

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