Incrcredibly long winded and difficult to follow.  Small wonder it has been 
gathering dust on the shelf.




-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: Vortex <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 30, 2017 9:43 am
Subject: [Vo]:Miles Pd-B alloy study uploaded


 Miles, M., M. Fleischmann, and M.A. Imam, Calorimetric Analysis of a Heavy 
Water Electrolysis Experiment Using a Pd-B Alloy Cathode. 2001, Naval Research 
Laboratory: Washington. p. 155. (155 pages long)

This is an important paper.

Please let me know if you find problems with the Acrobat file, such as faded 
pages or noise (dots everywhere). I fixed several graphs. Figure A.2, on p. 62 
required drastic surgery with the program noise reduction. I had to 
add new numbers on the X and Y axes.

When you first load this, you may see strange characters on p. 1. They should 
go away after the file fully loads.

- Jed

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