This report is the worst report i have ever studied.  The data is meant to put 
you to sleep and it is easy to missthe real values.   They show power densities 
of 40 watts/cm3, but good luck finding how mant cm3 were credited.

I think their hero absolute values were in the 200 milliwatt range.

This was highlighted as a milestone effort, but by their own admission, the 
effect is negligible and did not deserve support.

LENR has to recognize that nearly30 years havepassed and there are no 
repeatable results above 10 watts.

Please correct me if you can.  This report does not.

From: Adrian Ashfield <>
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Miles Pd-B alloy study uploaded

Incrcredibly long winded and difficult to follow.  Small wonder it has been 
gathering dust on the shelf.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: Vortex <>
Sent: Sat, Sep 30, 2017 9:43 am
Subject: [Vo]:Miles Pd-B alloy study uploaded


 Miles, M., M. Fleischmann, and M.A. Imam, Calorimetric Analysis of a Heavy 
Water Electrolysis Experiment Using a Pd-B Alloy Cathode. 2001, Naval Research 
Laboratory: Washington. p. 155. (155 pages long)

This is an important paper.

Please let me know if you find problems with the Acrobat file, such as faded 
pages or noise (dots everywhere). I fixed several graphs. Figure A.2, on p. 62 
required drastic surgery with the program noise reduction. I had to 
add new numbers on the X and Y axes.

When you first load this, you may see strange characters on p. 1. They should 
go away after the file fully loads.

- Jed

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