I'm sure someone could get a laugh out of this but for now here are some 
extended comments on the subject;What many in this coil field fail to realize 
is that there are things that are impossible for a single input or phase to 
accomplish; that can in fact be accomplished with more then one input; but 
because ASSUMPTIONS are made, they never enter the realm of possibility. 
Thinking from the single phase paradigm mutual inductance on closely coupled 
coils can make the (magnetic) reactance increase by magnetic agreement and  
decrease by magnetic opposition or compression. But for that source a symmetry 
exists in that the amounts of change are equal in both directions and what goes 
up by a magnetic interaction can also be made to go down by an equal amount by 
reversing the current direction in one of the pairs. This same law of action 
does not occur in poly phased sources of emf and what goes up by a certain 
amount by making the magnetic interaction does not become opposite by the same 
amount when the reaction is reversed. If we take two of three coils in a 3 
phase source of power and react them together magnetically one of the two 
possibilities by identical wiring for both will be that the fields will be in 
attraction for 2/3 of the interaction period and repulsion for the other third 
of the time period. However reversing one of the coil pair does not yeild the 
opposite result by "assumption" in time as it does for the single phase 
example. Instead the opposite reaction in space is making repulsion of 
"magnetic compression" for 5/6 of the interaction cycle time and attraction 
only acting for 1/6 of that. This is what fascinates me about the authors 
concept of hexagonal compression of space whereby I was able to accomplish this 
same thing with time itself by using  nine coils to create 6 predominantly 
magnetic compressions in turn causing 6 magnetic expansions at a six poles 
using a 1/6 cycle magnetic interaction between all three power inputs. Thus it 
was named a 666 machine.
 Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

    On Friday, December 15, 2017 9:55 PM, Harvey Norris <harv...@yahoo.com> 

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 Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 


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