Purcell effect


For particle physicists whose entire standard model assumes that decay
rates cannot be influenced by external factors, the Purcell effect is a

The Purcell effect is a condition that has perplexed science which lays
smack dab in the middle of one of the miracles of the LENR reaction. In
science, It has long been asserted that nuclear decay rates are constant
and cannot be affected by anything.


*Old textbook knowledge reconfirmed: Decay rates of radioactive substances
are constant*

 This assertion has been used by the critics of the LENR reaction to
undercut the validity of what experiments have shown when the LENR reaction
was in progress.

But the Purcell effect discounts the logic of this LENR criticism. The
Purcell effect states that the decay rate of a radioactive isotope is
affected by light trapped in an optical cavity. This nuclear decay rate can
either increase or decrease by a factor up to 50 times.


*Controlling the Rate of Nuclear Decay*

The maximum effect is achieved when a dark mode of light emissions from the
optical cavity is achieved. This mode is when light is maintained inside
the cavity and does not radiate out. An important condition that must exist
in both the LENR reaction and the Purcell effect is that this effect exists
in nano-cavities in metal.

But what is more disconcerting is that the nuclear decay rate can either
increase or decrease by a factor of 50.

There is something that exists in an optical cavity that can affect nuclear
processes. What can it be and how does it do it.

Well it is our old LENR friend, the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). The
SPP can produce nuclear effects and does it best when it is in dark mode.
But how can the SPP stop a radioactive isotope from decaying?

The SPP is formed by two counter rotating currents of polaritons. These
currents are polarized in terms of handedness. Right-handed particles don’t
decay, only left-handed particles decay.


*Particle physics: Only left-handed particles decay*

When a radioactive nucleus is converted by the SPP into a right handed
particle, it cannot decay. But when the nucleus is converted by the SPP
into a left handed particle, it decays so fast that the radioactive nucleus
stabilizes immediately.

The chirality of particles explains how LENR can stabilize radioactive
waste. LENR is all about the handedness (chirality) of particles.

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