Some manager (fund provider) was hold- heartedly  happy about the frustration 
of others IMHO.  Such is the ilk of anti-scientists and trolls,  vocal and 
obvious on the various LENR blogs.

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker<>
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2018 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Purcell Effect

Thank you, Jones.  That's an interesting account.  It's always frustrating when 
replications are attempted only half-heartedly and without attention to detail 
or followup.  Have you considered writing up a protocol for the pitchblend 


On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 8:59 PM, JonesBeene 
<<>> wrote:

From: Eric Walker<>

I'm curious whether any of those replications have been outside of the LENR 


Several years ago, not long after the P&F announcement - this was a hot topic 
on various forums. I participated in one replication attempt, since at the time 
I had a working Tesla coil (Ouidin coil)  setup which was an ideal vehicle to 
demonstrate the effect as it is more of a bipolar resonator giving a large 
swing in alternating HV potential across a sample.

We were able to show two orders of magnitude increase in the rate at which 
pitchblende decayed … but that rate gain attenuated after several days. This 
generated some interest at Cal (Berkeley).

The PhDs who ostensibly tried a replication experiment of the Barker patent 
(for unknown reasons)  proceeded with a setup which was completely inadequate 
and (as expected) showed a null result. This null result squelched any further 
interest in our funders.

Sadly the geniuses at Cal missed two  important details – which are that the 
effect works best (or only) on minerals (especially oxides of U and Th) and 
almost never works on a pure metal isotope like Californium IIRC  and second 
that the electric field must be arranged to have an extreme variation - such 
that the sample sees alternating voltage polarity over its surface and not a 
purely static field. As I recall, the details are explained in the patent. 
Researchers often hate to work with minerals since there is so much variability 
in composition... but still…

An effect which is stated not to work with metals is doomed from the start - if 
you use a metal. Anyway – everyone seemed to move to LENR after this and it was 
mostly forgotten.

The main reason that even a large increase in the decay rate of a mineral like 
pitchblende cannot be easily commercialized is that even at a factor of 100 
improvement, the half-life may drop from several billion years to several tens 
of million years, but still far from breakeven, considering the power put into 
the HV input. Even so, it is probably something that should have been continued.

I see the assignee is Altran Corporation which may still have an interest but 
it may not be the well-known Altran.


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