correction:  Ideally film the construction

On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 12:13 PM, John Berry <> wrote:

> Hi vibrator.  The "right" people are hard to fine.
> Very few people will consider that the CoM or the CoE could possibly be
> violated and won't even humor you.
> Actually, that's not true, a lot of people who don't know what that even
> means will happily believe you, but they will not be of any use either.
> I will entertain the idea you could be on to something.
> But, I'm not good with equations, and no one would listen to me either.
> IMO the only option you have is of building it, either in reality, or
> possibly in some suitable trusted simulation software.
> You have to prove what you are claiming, there are basically 4 ways of
> doing that.
> 1: Argue the case in English.
> 2: Argue the case in Math.
> 3: Argue the case in a simulation.
> 4: Demonstrate it by building it in as open and transparent a means
> possible, ideally fil the construction, use actualy transparrent materials
> everywhere possible.
> Actually, there is a 5th possibility and you should consider if this is
> possible carefully...
> 5: Make a 3D printable working model of your discovery.
> As for IP, f*ck it, the world needs what you have, you will never be able
> to profit from this in the way you deserve, but trying to will lead to the
> inventions suppression and maybe your death.
> John
> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 5:27 AM, Vibrator ! <> wrote:
>> I've found Bessler's gain principle.  The energy density's obviously
>> 'infinite', and power density's limited only by material constraints.
>> A propulsion application is also implied, but not yet tested.
>> I've put together some WM2D sims, independently metering all component
>> variables of the input / output energy, for cross-referencing consistency -
>> no stone is left unturned, and there are no gaps.  All values have also
>> been checked with manual calcs.  The results are incontrovertible - this is
>> neither mistake, nor psychosis.
>> It's been a week since achieving certainty, yet all i've done in that
>> time is stare in disbelief at the results.
>> Yet it's no 'happy accident' either - i worked out the solution from
>> first principles, then put together a mechanism that does what the maths
>> do, confirming the theory.
>> I'm understandably even more incredulous at the implications of the CoM
>> violation than the CoE one, yet the latter's entirely dependent upon the
>> former.  Both are being empirically measured, in a direct causal
>> relationship.
>> This absolutely demands immediate wider attention.
>> But who in their right mind would even look at it?  How do i bring it to
>> the attentions of the 'right' people - the ones that need to know about it,
>> and who can join in the R&D - without resorting to futile crank-emails to
>> universities and govt. departments etc.?
>> I've wasted a week, so far.  Too long, already.
>> Pretty much blinded in the headlights here.. i could sorely do with
>> making a few bob off it, but at the same time it's too important to sit on
>> - so how to reconcile these conflicting priorities?
>> I'd like to post up the sims here, or at least provide a link to them,
>> just to share the findings with ANYONE able to comprehend them...  it's
>> just classical mechanics (or at least, the parts that can actually be
>> measured) - force, mass and motion.  The absolute basics.  Simply no room
>> for error or ambiguity.  Unequivocal 'free' energy; currently around 190%
>> of unity.  You definitely want to see this, and i desperately want to share
>> it.
>> What should i do though?  How does one proceed, in this kind of situation?

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