Marrying superconductors, lasers, and Bose-Einstein condensates

The QX reactor produces light at frequencies based on its power level. High
power generates blue light, yellow light marks medium power, red light
comes at low power levels. To my mind, this is proof that Bose condensation
of polaritons are producing the LENR reaction in the QX reactor. Bose
condensation of polaritons generates superconductivity.

On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 11:15 AM, JonesBeene <> wrote:

> Although the argument that cold fusion and superconductivity are linked
> (in some causative but previously unknown way) may sound a bit tenuous at
> first glance, it does have strong points and can provide an explanation for
> prior mysteries.
> This is especially true if we frame the superconductivity parameter to be
> a “local effect” (at ambient temperatures). By local, it is meant that
> individual nanoparticles (of silver for instance) become superconductive in
> an isolated fashion as units, but not the bulk cathode which remains a
> normal conductor.
> Local superconductivity in a cathode would then give the appearance of
> extreme antiferromagnetism, since the local fields (of each silver
> nanoparticle) try to expel each other. This provides massive dynamical
> internal stress – which is  derived from  antiferromagnetism and thereby
> provides the necessary force to catalyze nuclear reactions in an adjoining
> PdD particle… or so the argument goes. The argument is worth consideration,
> and  it looks a little like spintronics – a hot topic in electronics these
> days.
> Furthermore, there is a ‘proximity effect’ in superconductors which is
> well known. A superconductor which  is placed in contact with a normal
> conductor like copper has its superconductivity suppressed. But there is
> also an inverse proximity effect, in which superconductivity occurs at a
> higher transition temperature when the superconductor is touching certain
> metals, notably silver.
> Robert Dynes of UCSD found that the transition temperature of lead (Pb)
> increased when it was in contact with silver. This was unexpected.
> Unfortunately for further aspects of this argument, Dynes became the head
> of the UC system and exited this research niche. He had attributed the
> reverse proximity effect to “the strong links that exist between electrons
> in silver” which is somewhat lame – and it is possible that instead, silver
> grains at the interface were developing local superconductivity which more
> than compensated for what was lost with the lead.
> At any rate it is possible that there is an important cross-connection
> between LENR and ambient HTSC especially via silver nanoparticles (when J&M
> Type A palladium/silver alloy is used) but since cold fusion is dying a
> slow death, we may never know.
> -------------------
> When looking at the intersection of cold fusion with HTSC - high
> temperature superconductivity - the paper below from India offers a
> possible and surprising connection which goes back to the often mentioned
> detail from the early P&F experiments. The most success was had  using the
> palladium silver alloy as the cathode of a special type known as Johnson &
> Matthey Type A, which was ~23% silver and ”prepared in a special way.”  Can
> palladium be a substitute for gold so as to create ambient
> superconductivity?
> We all are aware the palladium hydride is superconductive but NOT at
> anything close to ambient conditions. So the palladium-hydride is NOT going
> to be effective unless cryogenic conditions are maintained. Before the
> paper below, no one suspected that it is not the palladium but the silver
> which can carry massive amounts of current locally - and with the
> accompanying magnetic field. In short, given the findings of Thapa et al.
> it is now possible to see how superconductivity could be coming from the
> silver, not the palladium.
> It is possible that the “special way” to prepare this Type A alloy (said
> to involve ammonia but that is a trade secret) has the end result of
> keeping the silver in nanoparticles instead of a true alloy. The cathode
> would then consist of a matrix of palladium hydride interspersed with
> superconductive nanoparticles of silver which could have enormous field
> strength.
> If so, then that surprising detail answers many questions about old
> results - especially in the lack of reproducibility. Even P&F in their very
> best efforts in France saw success in only 2 out of 7 almost identical
> experiments. No we may know why.
> It is possibly that success demands superconductivity in the cathode
> (possibly for magnetic effects – e.g. “nanomagnetism” which is only
> possible if the silver nanoparticles in the palladium do NOT alloy but
> maintain their nano-geometry. If the silver does alloy the cathode becomes
> useless for LENR. (that is the hypothesis).  If one did not know this, then
> they would not have a clue on how to reactivate the HTSC or at least
> replace the spent cathode with a new one.
> --------------
> “Evidence for Superconductivity at Ambient Temperature and Pressure in
> Nanostructures”
> Dev Kumar Thapa, Anshu Pandey  (Submitted on 23 Jul 2018) India Institute
> of Science.
> Specifically the authors who appear to be relatively unknown, found the
> HTSC and Meissner effect in silver nanoparticles embedded in a gold matrix.
> However, it seems clear that  they expect more depth to the discovery than
> only gold and silver - and hopefully other less expensive combinations may
> turn up.
> They started with a view towards discovering “non-phonon based electron
> pairing mechanisms” – IOW plasmonic.
> Au and Ag are of course expensive precious metals with excellent normal
> conductivity, both thermal and electric, and notably both have low
> electron-phonon coupling and are not known to exhibit a superconducting
> state independently. Is that basic set of parameters the start of a formula
> which leads to other pairs such as zinc and cadmium or nickel and palladium?
> If there is broader applicability to other related  pairs of transition
> metals, and of course if this finding is easily and quickly replicated –
> then it likely could be the start of an international race… which is
> reminiscent of the discovery of HTSC in copper oxides in 1986 by IBM
> researchers Bednorz and Muller, who were awarded the 1987 Nobel… and
> which scenario could happen again here if this is real.
> Of course, the IBM discovery failed to live up to the early hype.

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