Here is an analysis comparing conventional fission and proposed tokamak
fusion reactors, published by Los Alamos:


Lessons from the four-year ARIES (Advanced Reactor Innovation and
Evaluation Study) investigation of four magnetic-fusion-energy (MFE)
power-plant embodiments of the tokamak are summarized. These lessons are
derived from the physics; engineering and technology; economics; and
environmental, safety, and health (ES&H) characteristics of these
conceptual tokamak power-plant designs. This summary of ARIES lessons is
intended to provide a general indicator of the requirements of economically
and environmentally attractive fusion power. The integration of fundamental
tokamak physics with conceptual engineering models through a cost-based
systems methodology has been especially thorough in ARIES. The resulting
quantitative tradeoffs among tokamak plasma physics, plasma engineering,
and a wide range of supporting reactor engineering disciplines, and the
enhanced interdisciplinary understanding of the impact of constraints
leading to optimal tokamak reactors are major contributions of the ARIES
Project. . . .

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