Magnetism is largely I’ll understood

The molecular orbitals supporting ferromagnetism are in dispute

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On Mar 3, 2019, at 5:28 PM, 
<<>> wrote:


You point out: “Point charge is only a mathematical convenience,”

What you say begs the question: Is there any physical significance  to a charge 
by it self?

The next question of course is: Is the illusion of charge really a localized 
dynamic magnetic field?

It seems there should be some primary physics text that addresses the physics 
of magnetic fields  other than associate  them with the illusion of charge.

I am pretty sure I must be confused.

From: Andrew Meulenberg <<>>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2019 10:59:04 AM
To:<>; VORTEX; Andrew 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:D. Alexandrov, Proposal for the development of an LENR reactor

Dear Bob,

Point charge is only a mathematical convenience, valid for isotropic sources or 
conductors when measured beyond any of their charge distribution. We are taught 
in freshman physics how to treat the static fields inside a charge 
distribution. That said, the problem gets more difficult when dynamics are 
considered, and even more so for relativistic dynamics (where Jean-Luc has been 
working), and even further when the test region has a strong influence on the 
source distribution and fields.

If I remember correctly, Feynman, in his Lectures, stated that the 1/r Coulomb 
potential was valid up to the nuclear radius. I might agree down to about 10 
fm. Below that, I might argue with him unless he limits the statement to 
static, spinless, charges. Because of our interest in the deep-electron orbits, 
we are presently exploring the real nuclear region in our papers. Nevertheless, 
we are still using approximations, valid for large distances as initial 
approximations and then applying corrections for relativistic and proximity 
effects as we see them. There is little to no useful literature for such 
corrections in this region. Further in, it was easier to start from scratch and 
nuclear physics took over when spin-spin effects became stronger than 
spin-orbit effects. Cold fusion and the deep-orbits are caught in the quagmire 
region between atomic and nuclear physics.

I doubt that there will be any easy answers. I still ask the question "when do 
two fermions combine to become a boson?" We look at the H atom, positronium, 
and deuteron as bosons; but, the neutron is a fermion (because a neutrino is 
added or subtracted?). What is the femto-H atom?

_ _ _

On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 12:03 PM<> 
<<>> wrote:
I think the relativistic considerations eliminate the reality of a “point 
charge”  assumption for electrons, particularly in the nuclear dimensional 
zones and smaller.

Andrew—If this is correct you might identify the range (distance) over which 
your theory applies and, otherwise,  clarify the question of “point charge” 

Bob Cook

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 for Windows 10

From: Andrew Meulenberg <<>>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 10:01:01 PM
To: VORTEX; Andrew Meulenberg
Subject: Re: [Vo]:D. Alexandrov, Proposal for the development of an LENR reactor

Dear Jones,

Thanks for asking about our work. We have published this since JCMNS -Vol 24.

J-L Paillet, Andrew Meulenberg, "Deepening Questions about Electron Deep Orbits 
of the Hydrogen Atom," J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 26 (2017) 54–68,<>

and are continuing to publish (from ICCF-21 presentations)

1.      J-L Paillet, A. Meulenberg, "On highly relativistic deep electrons," 
ICCF-21, 21st International Conference for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 3 
- 8 June, 2018,  Fort Collins, CO USA, to be published in JCMNS, 2019,<><>

2.      A. Meulenberg, J. L. Paillet, "Nuclear-waste remediation with 
femto-atoms and femto-molecules," ICCF-21, 21st International Conference for 
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, 3 - 8 June, 2018,  Fort Collins, CO USA, to 
be published in JCMNS, 2019, if I have time to get it finished.

and to-be-published papers from two workshops and a chapter in a book.

We have not published anything on the other models; although I did include a 
variation on Ed Storms' "crack" model as the basis for:
A. Meulenberg, K.P. Sinha, “Composite model for LENR in linear defects of a 
lattice,” ICCF-18, 18th Int. Conf. on Cond. Matter Nuclear Science, Columbia, 
Missouri, 25/07/2013, Presentation slides at<>,
 video at<>
I have been too busy looking at the Deep Dirac Levels with J-L Paillet since 
ICCF-18 to even write up this important paper, much less examine in detail 
models, which look at bound levels between the atomic ground-states and the 
relativistic deep levels. We are presently pursuing the relativistic deep-orbit 
electrons, which Jean-Luc has described so well, and their interaction with the 
nucleus. At least I will also be looking at the possibility that the 
relativistic-electron effects could lead to intra-nuclear components and 

Before 1995, I did derive (classically) the "fractional" orbits below the 
atomic ground state, but did not think these 1/n states to be important because 
they could not be reached by photonic processes. When I later found out what 
Mills had been doing, I emailed him my warning about these levels having too 
little angular momentum to form photons. He never responded, so he may have 
figured that out for himself and, much to his credit, he chose other 
approaches, which I considered a big step. However, I thought that he made a 
mistake going for plasma rather than solid state as a base. (If he were to use 
a UV light source or other means to invert the lowest hydrogen atomic levels 
and "seed" the mixture with annihilation radiation for stimulated emission, he 
might get a significant deep-level (not a fractional-level) population. 
However, without mirrors at that energy, the system is unlikely to lase.) I did 
not think much of the non-photonic options for my own CF models until I had 
looked more closely at cold fusion products (late in 2008).

_ _ _
On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 9:00 AM Jones Beene 
<<>> wrote:
Question for Andrew. The citation that comes up on Google for your most recent 
paper seems to be:<>

Excellent, but it does not try to integrate similar concepts which are floating 
around, such as those of Holmlid, Arata and Mills.

Have you published anything which takes a look at the entire spectrum of "deep 
electrons" ?


  Andrew Meulenberg wrote:

> It takes something more to make relativistic electrons. That is where the 
> deep-electron orbits enter the picture. They can have binding energies in the 
> hundreds of keV and kinetic energies in the 100s of MeV. This would not give 
> hot-fusion type results. Strangely enough, the deep orbits are long predicted 
> by relativistic quantum mechanics. They just were not believed because nobody 
> had seen them, or their results. With cold fusion, we can now see their 
> results.


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