Dear Axil—

You note: “Simply put, in all cases, matter that enters the transmutation 
process whether that matter is acted upon by any nuclear or sub nuclear process 
including  fusion, fission, alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, a newly 
reconfigured stable resultant elemental product comes out.”

IMHO you are correct some of the time, but not always.   Some of our difference 
in opinion may stem from semantics.  Transmutation is generally understood to 
mean a change of  an isotope from one nuclear configuration to another 
configuration with a different total energy—sometimes  the new configuration is 
stable  and  some times not.  For example, neutron activation of stable  and 
unstable isotopes can cause transmutations to   unstable isotopes.  However, 
generally stable neutrinos are thought to occur in transmutations, and thus, 
your comment may be correct in hat a neutrino is believed to be a stable 
elemental (primary) particle.

Electrons and positrons are not thought to be stable particles, since they can 
interact to form photons, loosing their identity associated with a parameter 
called charge.

The unifying natural laws are the 1st and 2nd  laws of thermodynamics and 
conservation of angular momentum which exists in finite small quantities and 
certain  locations.   IMHO space, time and angular momentum are quantized in 5 
dimensions.  (I do not have an opinion about the primary existence of magnetic 
fields.)    However I lean toward Planck’s idea that fields may be the only 
real thing in nature.  Magnetic fields may represent a  6th dimension which   
is also quantized.

Entropy IMHO is nothing more than the separation of the 3-D cells of space by 
the time dimension.  This separation is associated with the disorder  of 
dimensional parameters of adjacent 5-D points—including the angular momentum 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil <>
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2019 9:04:59 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:If Mizuno is correct, this design is likely to be the 
precursor to all future devices

Dear Bob,

It is my feeling that when a Bose condensate induced time dilation state is 
encompassing any transmutation activity, that time dilation allows the nuclear 
and particle mechanisms to come to a quiescent and stable  state almost 
instantly in the reference frame outside the zone of transmutation activity.

How the final results that come out of the transmutation process is completely 
stabilized no matter what that transmutation process entails.

Simply put, in all cases, matter that enters the transmutation process whether 
that matter is acted upon by any nuclear or sub nuclear process including  
fusion, fission, alpha, beta, and gamma radiation, a newly reconfigured stable 
resultant elemental product comes out.

On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 11:41 PM<> 
<<>> wrote:

There are various theory papers in the offing or already on the street that 
indicate that nucleons (protons and neutrons) are made up of 9 muons, which in 
turn are made up of positrons and electrons.

Binding forces for the nucleons involve neutrinos and EM fields generated by 
the electrons and positrons.

These models are validated by energetic electron inelastic scattering 
experiments over the years.  This validation is addressed
by William L  Stubbs in his recent book, Nuclear Alternative: Redesigning Our 
Model of the Structure of Matter.

Additional  physical models for electrons and positrons are still being 
finalized to address mass and energy equivalence, nuclear physical structures, 
binding energies  angular momentum/spin phenomena and it conservation, etc.  
This Modeling has been a collaboration of  interested people that organized 
after the ICCF-21 Conference at Fort Collins in 2018.

Together these models suggest that muons may very well result from nuclear 
transitions associated with LENR events.  They also suggest LENR controls to 
avoid energetic free muon production.

As I have suggest many times in the past on this blog, a key design objective 
for LENR reactors  is to control the process so as to avoid free energetic 
particles and their associated radiation hazard.  This can be achieved by 
inducing coherent systems to give up nuclear spin energy to lattice electron 
spin/thermal energy.   Conservation of angular momentum is conserved, much as 
kinetic energy/linear momentum is conserved in free particle elastic scattering 
interactions.  Resonant EM fields are key to accomplishing desired control, as 
well as, the ambient magnetic fields, including and  local microscopic B fields.

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2019 5:15 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:If Mizuno is correct, this design is likely to be the 
precursor to all future device designs
Furthermore, from studying LENR results over the years, it is becoming 
increasingly apparent to me that LENR has a major issue to deal with. LENR 
makes matter and energy disappear. A major problem with LENR reactors is that 
they fall apart over time. This highly corrosive effect that these reactors 
suffer is due to this nasty issue of matter and energy degeneration. This 
degenerative process only gets worse when the power output level of the reactor 
goes up.
And yet the amazing contradiction that the LENR reaction presents is that it 
does not produce any high energy particles or ionizing radiation. The question 
that hangs in the air is where does all that matter and energy go when the LENR 
reaction is active?
 At this current juncture, the reactor meltdown/corrosion problem has delayed 
any LENR application from reaching a successful conclusion. LENR is highly 
corrosive of the structure of the reactor as a function of its power output. 
Clearly, LENR's ability to corrode the structure of the reactor is a function 
of its power output. A low powered LENR reactor will function for a long time 
but its usefulness is limited. A high output reactor even if it is built like a 
tank does not perform for very long.
The lack of nuclear reaction byproducts and the corrosion issue might well be 
In addition, I think that transmutation happens when the LENR reaction has 
completed. For some unknown reason the LENR reaction in the LION diamond was 
episodic. There were three episodes when the LENR reaction came alive. Each of 
the episodes of activity produced a different transmutation product. But at the 
end of each episode of activity, each time the identical transmutation product 
was deposited at the ends of many tunnels. The miners were all contained inside 
the tunnels that they excavated. But they all behaved identically and 
communicated. They all acted in concert to transmute carbon into identical 
elements when they were active.
>From what we saw how the miners worked inside diamond, the transmuted elements 
>are held in invisible suspension through QM superposition inside the flux tube 
>until the LENR reaction had completed. Then the transmuted elements stabilized 
>into their final form. We saw the diamond disappear as the miners excavated 
>the tunnel, Then when the LENR reaction finalized, the transmutated elements 
>appeared at the far end of the tunnel.
When I considered what happens to the matter that the miners excavated from 
their tunnels, I got confused. There are spaces inside those completely closed 
tubes. Where did that matter go? Where did the energy from transmutation of 
carbon go? There was a lot of transmutation but very little if any damage 
produced by heat evident inside those tubes. The matter that was removed from 
those tubes could have supported the energy needs of a city for a year is it 
was transformed into energy.
I think that transmutation happened when the LENR reaction completed. For some 
unknown reason the LENR reaction in the LION diamond was episodic. There were 
three episodes when the LENR reaction came alive. Each of the episodes of 
activity produced a different transmutation product. But at the end of each 
episode of activity, each time the identical transmutation product was 
deposited at the ends of many tunnels. The miners were all contained inside the 
tunnels that they excavated. But they all behaved identically and communicated. 
They all acted in concert to transmute carbon into identical elements when they 
were active.
Here is my take on this issue. I believe that LENR involves the interaction of 
two major cosmological principles: Quantum mechanical superposition and general 
relativity. Through looking at the results of some recent LENR experiments, it 
appears that during the LENR reaction, time stops inside the Black EVO as 
discovered by Ken Shoulders. When LENR active processes occur, such as 
transmutation and superposition/tunneling, they occur under a condition where 
time is not moving forward. This superposition proceeds as a macro level 
quantum mechanical process that is occurring were both material and energy in 
bulk is made to dematerialize or tunnel possibly in a state of coherent 
superposition. This coherent material may be removed in a condition that is out 
of sync with normal matter and time and being in the state of superposition not 
able to interact with its previously normal form except through the force of 
gravity. Remaining perpetually coherent, it is a superfluid. This lack of 
energy and particle realization while the LENR reaction is active could be why 
LENR has not killed the experimenters that work with LENR reactors.
This disappearing corroded matter and energy could be where dark matter is 
coming from.
In summary, this dark matter could be the result of a continuing ubiquitous in 
as not yet recognized intersection of general relativity and quantum mechanical 
tunneling during this corrosion process that transforms normal matter into a 
ghost state possibly through a time based out of sync situation between normal 
matter and space-time.
We should not make certain assumptions about the LENR reaction and the reactors 
that produce it. LENR may have many mind bending situations ahead for those who 
what to tame its secrets.

On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 5:22 PM Jed Rothwell 
<<>> wrote:
I believe that if Mizuno's results are correct, and especially if Ed Storms' 
theory is right, this design will be the precursor to all future devices. As I 
usually do, I look back at other technologies. The first transistor was the 
precursor to all subsequent devices, even though the methods of making them 
changed rapidly, and even though the material changed from germanium to 
silicon. The first airplane was the precursor to all subsequent airplanes.

There were many different approaches to building airplanes circa 1900, such as 
A. G. Bell, Maxim and Lilienthal. Those were smart people. Their ideas deserved 
respect, although the efforts did not make much progress. However, in 1906 the 
Wright patent was issued. All successful airplanes after that have been based 
on their discovery, which was 3-axis control. Also, all successful airplanes 
have wings with chambers similar to this, and similar length to width ratios. 
These are very different from Lilienthal and other early attempts. The Wrights 
were superb engineers and they had rigorous proof these were the best chambers 
and ratios, at the low speed their airplane was designed for.

In other words, every airplane after 1906 is a descendant evolved from this 
design, and all other precursor designs are extinct.

Needless to say, there has been tremendous progress in aviation. There was 
tremendous progress between 1908 and 1914. By 1914, there were airplanes that 
could fly 6 passengers for hours, going thousands of miles. Outwardly, they 
looked completely different from the pusher design of the Wrights, with the 
elevator in front. But from the engineering physics point of view, they were 
similar. They owed the Wrights royalties for the patent.

If the Mizuno design actually works and it is widely replicated, it will 
probably be the starting point for all future designs, just as the 1906 Wright 
patent design was. But there will be tremendous progress. It is likely there is 
fundamentally only one effective design, just as there is only one way to 
control an airplane (with 3-axis control). Future designs may look very 
different outwardly, but the microscopic morphology and other details of the 
surface where the reaction occurs will probably be similar. Especially if Ed is 
correct, as I hope he is. Ed tells me he thinks this morphology can be created 
with techniques similar to those used to make microscopic integrated circuits.

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