The one undeniable aspect of this ferrosilicon transmutation example is the
shear volume of unexplained material produced. In 11 weeks, an extra volume
of 327.25 tons of  "anomalous" ferrosilicon output was unaccountably
produced. Even a bookkeeper in the back-office could see that something is
not adding up.  327.25 tons of transmutation should have produced lots of
excess energy, but it did not.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:06 PM Jürg Wyttenbach <> wrote:

> Dear Axil
> When the flowers of corruption intrude "so called" scientific journals,
> then we must ask about the seriousness of the people that allowed the "go
> on" for this publication.
> Did you ever think about what equipment is available to measure the load
> of furnace ?? "Friendly losses" are a main problem of basic building
> industries.
> I hope that you and other stop to mention this Joke story.
> Of course the mentioned reaction is possible and also Urutskov found
> energy neutral transmutations as even far more could by found by Proton 21.
> People that follow & know the field are aware of this since many years.
> There is no LENR theory since 30 years and thus we cannot "flush 10 years
> of LENR theory down the toilet". All so called theories are nothing more
> than a collection of non mathematical facts,rules & hopes.
> The problem is that people claiming a theory like Widom&Larsen only
> manipulate the "unsatisfied feelings" of the field, with ideas that cannot
> 100% be excluded...
> Jürg
> Am 17.07.19 um 20:08 schrieb Axil Axil:
> Dear Bob,
> We have been through this situation more than once. For some reason people
> just can;t believe it. I understand that it is difficult to flush 10 years
> of LENR theory down the toilet, but it must be done to get to the truth.
> 7. Puzzle of the Missing Nuclear Energy
> A worth noting feature of the Silcal observations was that there was no
> dramatic change whatsoever in the energy
> dissipation. Using the estimated energy release values of 17.13 MeV/atom
> of Si or 49.58 MeV per atom of Fe given in
> Appendix B, for the postulated nuclear transmutation reactions, it can be
> shown that corresponding to 4.25 ton of metal
> transmutation, the power generated should have been the equivalent of the
> total thermal power generated by hundreds
> of 1000MWe nuclear power stations. However, in our plant there was no
> evidence of such massive amounts of nuclear
> energy being released throughout the 11-week period, giving a handle to
> the skeptics to question our claims of ton
> level elemental transmutations. In this context it is worth noting that
> nobody in published LENR literature (to the
> best of our knowledge) has established a clear correlation between the
> quantum of transmutation products generated
> in carbon arc and the expected nuclear heat release based on atomic mass
> considerations. On the other hand neither
> has any publication claimed that the Carbon Arc experiment violates
> Einstein’s E = mc2 dictum. Thus if indeed the
> Silcal transmutation claims are confirmed it would clearly point to the
> operation of new Science wherein transmutation
> could be occurring without the accompaniment of the expected nuclear
> energy release.
> In the context of these remarks the arguments of Daniel Szumski elaborated
> in his “Least Action Nuclear Process”
> (LANP) Theory appear relevant. We learnt about Szumski’s work through his
> paper presented at ICCF 20 conference
> [13]. Szumski who has taken great pains to analyze in detail the
> transmutation observations of George Miley (see
> argues that both endothermic and
> exothermic nuclear reactions can and do occur
> concurrently in LENR experiments, partly or wholly cancelling out net
> energy release.
> *In fact he has referred to some experimental observations of Mizuno
> wherein transmutations have reportedly been observed by him not accompanied
> by energy release.* Szumski is thus not at all surprised by our
> observation of “energy neutral” transmutation
> reactions
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:43 AM <
>> wrote:
>> Dear Axil.
>> I do not remember a mass balance analysis of the Indian foundry changes
>> in total mass wjth apparent transmutations.  I doubt the huge loss of mass
>> you have suggested actually happened.
>> Bob Cook
>> ____________________________________
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Axil Axil <>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 16, 2019 11:47:50 AM
>> *To:* vortex-l
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:If Mizuno is correct, this design is likely
>> tobetheprecursor to all future devices
>> There is a natural tendency in the formulation of LENR theory to ignore
>> or flat out deny the existence of outlying or contraindicated  LENR
>> processes that are generally observed and proven by observation but
>> conflict with preconceived  notions of LENR reality.
>> One of these observations is that transmutation of elements in LENR does
>> not for the most part yield energy: gamma, heat, light, particles, and
>> loses mass.
>> These counter indicators include biological transmutation, the associated
>> very safe and benign environment that LENR occurs in, and the unexplained
>> loss of mass and/or energy where that loss is absolutely required by any
>> proposed theory.
>> I have in mind the production of ferrosilicon in India where an electric
>> arc processing method transmutes 4.5 tons of iron and silicon each day from
>> carbon, oxygen and other ambient elements inside the environment of the
>> electric arc blast furnace.
>> The outsized amount of transmutation of so much mass every day should
>> produce enough energy to meet the power needs of Europe for a year, and yet
>> that huge amount of energy production is not observed.
>> Transmutation in the LENR reaction for the most part occurs under a state
>> of quantum mechanical superposition where that energy produced and the mass
>> exposed to the LENR reaction is permanently lost to our reality.
>> This argument about hydrogen fusion is pointless because the energy
>> produced by this reaction is invisible to our observation. The issue is
>> that the weirdness of quantum mechanics is made manifest to our observation
>> and we cannot understand that it is happening.
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 9:54 AM JonesBeene <> wrote:
>>> *From: *H LV <>
>>>    - How much of the energy in a nuclear reaction is actually due to
>>>    mass change?
>>> Is there any reason to think that it would not be all?
>>> Even if sequential hydrogen cluster formation is responsible for the
>>> gain, and there is no fusion at all - the ultimate source of that heat
>>> would still be nuclear mass.
> --
> Jürg Wyttenbach
> Bifangstr.22
> 8910 Affoltern a.A.
> 044 760 14 18
> 079 246 36 06

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