The original unusual coil was thin magnet wire wound around another strand
of thin magnet wire...

Because the wire does not have the strength to be wound around, I would
wind it on a pin, slide it off, wind more and thread the other wire though
The outer wire is a right handed helix.

Then the this compound coil was wound around a large Zinc coated roofing
nail, again in a right handed helix.
Then I attached a signal generator and put power though the coil.
Note: I have also found that the odd number below an even number tends to
feed it energy, so Copper 29 feeds energy to Zinc 30.

The longer this ran and the longer I felt for the energy, the stronger it
At first I assumed what I had was "Aether flow" whatever that means, but
eventually I came to realize that there was a right handed energy, a lesser
amount of left handed energy, and if both of those energies were removed
there were other energies.
Some appear to act as though they are pseudo negative charges (right
handed), some as though they are positive charges (left handed), these
energies will convey through a twisted wire join, they act like they are a
spin field, then there are energies that appear more longitudinal and
neutral in those respects.

I found that some people could feel these energies, technologically
created, even when the device was hidden and they knew nothing about it.
And, for the record, this was true even if the device was given to another

I then found that all sorts of things can affect the vacuum, light is
perfectly able to (though the "energy" formed is not as dense as that of
matter), much as Dan A. Davidson discloses in his book "Shape Power", I
found that I could affect this medium with images, with light!

So, if you wish, though there is at best a 50% chance you will feel it,
maybe lower from those with a scientific or skeptical bent, I could send
you images that structure this aether, or, virtual particle flux, pr
whatever it is.

I got here by correlating a lot of Free Energy and Antigravity devices that
seemed to suggest something along the ideas of an "Aether Vortex", this was
a common theory, or observation with many on the list making it, but few or
none have chased this down as I have.

I suspect that most of what I have discovered could be re-framed as quantum
physics, or more correctly sub-quantum physics of virtual particles.

This can all be proven as real, it is despite the currently subjective
nature of it's detection quite objectively real, and demonstrably so.
But most people have blinders on that won't let them dive into this kind of
thing, it's like the robots in West World, "It doesn't look like anything
to me".

But, the promise of this technology is Antigravity, Free Energy and much
more, and it can be experimented with for free, rapidly once sensitivity
and comprehension has been gained with images.
Though, I really need to move back into hardware, but that is a lot slower
an area in which to experiment.

Jonathan Berry

On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 11:40 PM Brian Ahern <> wrote:

> What was the unusual coil?
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Jonathan Berry <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 29, 2019 10:56 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:Antimatter
> BTW, a necessary part of that theory of "part filled containers". the idea
> that electrons, protons and such might be able to exist with less that
> their regular level of energy and density, and that such energy might be
> hard to detect and read...   Yet be felt as Bioenergy, Chi, Orgone, Scalar.
> etc...
> But if a form of subtle matter and antimatter and it can annihilate, why
> doesn't it annihilate with regular matter releasing lots of energy???
> My guess would be that it does/can, but that equal sums of energy are
> extracted from both and as such the regular particle loses close to nothing
> as it can only lose as much as the lesser party, unless the "soft" particle
> has quite a bit of energy in it.
> It could however be that neither can interact or annihilate unless they
> are at the same or a very close level of energy.
> If this interpretation of virtual particles not reasonable?
> Couldn't I have found a way of increasing the virtual particle
> flux/emission/production?
> BTW, following this line of reasoning I have created my most tangible
> energy yet.
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 2:43 PM Jonathan Berry <> wrote:
> Hi Vorts, I have an interesting connection my research has made that seems
> to connect to anti-matter.
> As some of you might know (I have been on this list for what, 20 years) I
> began researching the aether, and then 7-8 years ago I made an unusual coil
> that emitted an energy that could be felt, that seemed to be "aether" like.
> One observation I made about this technology was the tendency for an
> energy to form in the center of a circle, and then this energy would have
> "beams" come out of it, with one energy going up, and down, one north, one
> south, one east, one west and then also diagonals, making 8 primary beams
> in each direction.   But the number isn't important.
> This turns out to be not to be a unique discovery, this has been noted by
> others....
> Then the other day I came to realize that the energy going in the opposite
> direction, happens to "cancel" out the energy!
> So the energy that goes north and the energy that goes south annihilate
> each other!
> So, then I started to wonder with more seriousness, "What if my 'Aetheric
> Energy'" is virtual particle pairs?
> I did also find that applying a potential (magnetic, electric, or other)
> would polarize and increase this activity.
> So, I began to speculate the following...
> Circles with the right energetic activity create a focal point that
> expresses more virtual particles than the background...
> That the fields helps split the virtual particles apart...
> And, now we come to the Crux of this post...
> When two virtual particles annihilate, what happens???
> Answer, nothing!
> What happens when two regular particles annihilate???
> Release of energy, Gamma!
> What happens when one half of a virtual particle pair falls into the event
> horizon of a black hole according to accepted science? (Hawking radiation)
> It becomes a real particle that if it then annihilates with another real
> particle releases energy...
> So, the crux of the question is, "what change occurs to the virtual
> particle to make it real"?
> And I would propose the answer is simply, Time!
> Here is what i suspect is going on!
> When a virtual particle is made, it is like an empty container, when it
> annihilates nothing happens.
> However, if energy is "given" to the virtual particle, then it isn't any
> longer empty, but it might not have enough energy to be detected as a
> regular solid particle yet.
> However, when it now annihilates, it will release the energy it does have.
> I think the idea that just because it's other half fell into a black hole
> it instantly becomes "real" is nonsense, what if it's partner annihilated
> with another virtual particle, wouldn't that accomplish much the same!  Now
> I just implied that all of space should emit Hawking radiation.
> When I look at some of the details of Free Energy device claims,
> Antigravity and the like, there is evidence of "half way" electrons and
> mysterious releases of light, could this be partly filled "virtual"
> particles annihilating and releasing light?
> it would make a lot of sense, and it makes sense with regards to Quantum
> Physics too!
> If anyone wants to experience the forms that create this tangible energy,
> just ask.
> John

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