There is one potentially critical detail in the experiment which, although 
unlikely to have happened, can answer many questions. This detail can be easily 
eliminated from consideration - with an isotope analysis (of a working Mizuno 
rubbed mesh).
>From the start, Mizuno said he used pure palladium. Apparently, every 
>replication attempt has likewise used pure palladium.

However, one of the early images coming from the photos Mizuno sent out - 
showed the metal piece which was used for the rubbing and it was not a new rod 
but looked used pretty "gnarly", for lack of a better term. As if it had been 
used for years.

Given that Mizuno had undertaken a recent move of his lab due to earthquake - 
there is a remote possibility that another palladium rod was somehow 
substituted for the one which he thought was pure when in fact it was Type A - 
the silver alloy.

There are dozens of instances on this forum and elsewhere where the experts, 
including Jed, has made it absolutely clear that "only Type A palladium works 
in cold fusion" ... or something to that effect. See the thread cited below.

Many problems would be solved if the palladium which worked was indeed Type A - 
which is a silver alloy, instead of pure palladium. That way all of the other 
null attempts were doomed from the start.

Moreover, there has to be a good reason (not yet fully explained) why the 
experts in the past - including, including P&F - were fully convinced that  *** 
only Type A palladium works***
Here is one of the old threads...

Jed Rothwell wrote:   

> Has an isotope analysis of Mizuno's own original and successful mesh been 
> performed to determine the exact composition?

Not yet. We sent samples to two different labs. We sent three samples to each 
lab: mesh as received; mesh prepared by Mizuno; mesh that produced excess heat.
- Jed

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