Ya gotta luv her hat:


Other papers:


' Homochirality ' sounds like a neurosis.  Quite an eclectic lady.

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 11:32 AM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> This mystery reference appeared in a recent search.
> None of the usual players and the impression given is that the topic is
> something new... WTF?
> Hydrogen and deuterium isotope effects beyond the electromagnetic force
> <https://www.mendeley.com/catalogue/hydrogen-deuterium-isotope-effects-beyond-electromagnetic-force/>
> Hydrogen and deuterium isotope effects beyond the electromagnetic force
> Cheryl D. Stevenson
> (2018) Stevenson, Davis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. A
> mechanism is presented concerning electroly...
> <https://www.mendeley.com/catalogue/hydrogen-deuterium-isotope-effects-beyond-electromagnetic-force/>

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