
I agree with your observation RE. Fauci and Brix—its worse than 
instructional—its croupt as some presidential candidates have noted in 
identifying the huge profits of the pharmacutical—political—insurance—provider 
(PPIP) complex.

Its like the old “nuclear village” in Japan made up of utilities, politicians 
and the reactor facility builders before their nuclear disaster.

Maybe this world-wide disaster will dissolve PPIP.

Bob Cook

From: Michael Foster<mailto:mf...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 2:11 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Chloroquine trials in New York

Sorry to get your knickers in a twist, Jed.  I don't really understand how your 
Microsoft Word analogy applies to this situation. I have no idea why Big Pharma 
supplied all the chloroquine at no cost. It certainly looks like a P.R. move. 
They were specifically requested to do so. Think what they would look like if 
they refused.  It won't cost them much. Chloroquine is very inexpensive to 
make, more or less like shoveling up dirt. Of course you are right that 
chloroquine is FDA approved for malaria treatment, but can then be used for any 
other purpose.

Watching the behavior of Fauci and Birx is instructive.  They were both 
reciting the usual FDA/CDC line about needing endless testing because reported 
successful results were all "anecdotal".  They were either ignorant of what's 
been going on in the world, or were doing their job as shills for the major 
drug companies. No doubt they will start shifting their opinions around to fit 
events as they develop.

Incidentally, there are apparently no cases of covid19 in areas where malaria 
is prevalent. I have a half-baked hypothesis about that. Obviously, not 
everyone in these areas is taking chloroquine. But it just might be that those 
people who have been exposed to the virus but are taking chloroquine are now 
breathing out dead virus. Since vaccines are killed or crippled viruses, maybe 
such people are inadvertently vaccinating others around them. OK, I told you it 
was half-baked.

 On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 03:47:24 PM UTC, Jed Rothwell 
<jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Michael Foster <mf...@yahoo.com> wrote:
 I'm happy to see that rare cooperation between Trump and Cuomo will see a 
large scale "trial" of chloroquine and Zithromax, already known to work as a 
treatment for covid19. I hope this will expose FDA/CDC as owned by the 
pharmaceutical business, as exemplified by the behavior of Fauci and Birx. Big 
Pharma wouldn't want anything as inexpensive as chloroquine to be an effective 

This makes no sense. Big Parma makes millions of doses of these drugs. Big 
Pharma has absolutely no say in which drugs are used, for what purposes. This 
is decided by the FDA and individual doctors. What you say is equivalent to 
saying, "Microsoft wouldn't want people to use Microsoft Word to write letters 
to the editor." Microsoft has no control over what people do with its software. 
Big pharma has no control over what doctors and and patients do with their 
In point of fact, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world has 
provided millions of doses of these drugs to the state of New York for free. 
So, obviously they are not trying to prevent the use of it!

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