Good pick. I've taken quercetin for years for allergies... far more effective 
than Claritin.

For bio-availability, quercetine is more effective (soluble) taken with 
lecithin, which has advantages of its own.

Michael Foster wrote:  
> My personal "cure of the week" would be quercetin. This is a substance found 
> in most vegetables, curiously at high concentration in capers. You can buy 
> quercetin right now without a prescription, as much as you want. It's a 
> common treatment for arthritis and is a general anti-inflammatory. More to 
> the point, it has been shown to be a zinc ionophore. So it's a twofer, 
> suppresses inflammation and transports zinc across the cell membrane. 
> Inflammation in the lungs with viral pneumonial, along with the mucous build 
> up is what is killing people. So I have stocked up on the stuff, along with 
> my stash of chloroquine phosphate.



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