Not sure if it is a Zinc Ionophore, but it does increase serum levels of

Just a thought but "zapping" (Bob Beck, Hulda Clark) would almost certainly
help drive Zinc into cells as it opens cells up to all sorts.
Pepper might also help, bioperine is used in many supplements to increase

I still think Capers are a good call with their Quercetin, an ingredient
Pasta Putinesca, a good choice after a series of unfortunate events.  But I
guess taking the supplemental form would be more reliable if you knew you
had covid.

The evidence strongly supports the idea that Hydroxychloroquine sulphate
with Zinc and typically Azithromycin works to cure the virus if people
aren't too bad already (studies to the contrary aren't done with randomized
or equivalent patients, don't include zinc or don't use the right form of
chloroquine), so dropping the latter and replacing the HCQ for either
natural sources of Quinine on which it is based or another Zinc Ionophore
should be considered strong evidence that this will keep someone from
contracting COVID when exposed to Coronavirus.

So we have ways to keep people from being exposed to the virus to a massive
degree,  222nm light, ways to detect the virus cheaply and easily and
rather reliably (pulse oximeter) ways to keep from letting the virus really
take a hold and ways to cure it.
None of these ways cost much or impact the economy or restrict freedoms.

What we don't have is a way to distribute the best ideas and put them into
action because of the failures of the media, doctors and politicians,
unless of course we manage to spread this as a grass roots movement!

On Fri, 24 Apr 2020 at 05:21, Michael Foster <> wrote:

> That NY Times article is really informative. Thanks for the link. It
> points out what few people realize, which is when you are gasping for
> breath, it's not from lack of oxygen, it's the build up of carbon dioxide.
> That's just the way our bodies work to regulate oxygen levels. Worked OK
> for millennia,  just not for this situation.
> It's fairly easy to explain why viral pneumonia would cause this problem.
> The build up of mucous between the alveoli and the capillaries would permit
> the much more water soluble carbon dioxide to be exchanged, but the much
> less water soluble oxygen would be exchanged very slowly. Hence, there is
> the resulting hypoxia.
> Going to order a pulse oximeter right away.
> Turmeric. I wonder. I've been taking the extract (curcumin) for years to
> keep my arthritis from spreading. Works great. What I wonder is if it my
> also be a zinc ionophore even though there's no reason to suspect that it
> might be.
>  On Thursday, April 23, 2020, 09:26:48 AM UTC, Jonathan Berry <
>> wrote:
>  Here is a great article from a doctor on the frontines:
> Turns out that people who have COVID19 often don't have any symptoms of
> it, but their oxygenation goes way down without increasing CO2, this means
> they don't feel the effects!
> I just bought a pulse oximeter from ebay for about $12 US or something
> including free shipping.
> The virus is going to stay around, and this way you can learn if you have
> the virus without needing to get tested, also some tests have been
> acknowledged as being contaminated with SARSCOV2!
> So this is a really tiny investment, but consider if everyone knew they
> were infected early on, how much less this would spread!
> And even going somewhere for tests tends to spread the virus!This could be
> another game changer!
> Pandemic gaechangers!222nm light everywhere  -  Kill the virus in the air
> and on surfaces safelyEveryone wears a mask  -  reduces chances of
> spreading and catching virusEveryone buys a pulse oximeter  -  Best way to
> know who has the virus!Consume Vitamins A, C, D3 and Zinc, Quercetin (Zinc
> Ionophore found in capers)
> drink tonic water, eat grapefruit (chunky marmalade?) and lemon skins (for
> Quinine).
> And maybe find the frequency of the virus and transmit it:
> Regards,Jonathan Berry

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