>From the Financial Times Jan. 30, 2006 page 6

"In 2003, nearly 70 percent of Austria's domestically produced power
came from renewable sources. Biomass fuelled 11.2 percent of Austria's
total primary
energy supply and 21 per cent of heat production.... Not only do forests
grow back, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow."

"With almost half of Austria covered in forests, wood fired schemes have
grown in popularity.... Biomass energy is a growing business in Austria"

"A new market in wood pellets - compressed sawdust that is drier,
cleaner and easier to transport than other biomass fuels - was key to
the spread
of domestic boilers"

Austria is pushing biomass in EU and having success doing it.  Much of
the biomass comes from by- products of existing forestry such as
chips and low grade logs.

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