RC Macaulay wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robin van Spaandonk"

In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Sat, 18 Mar 2006 07:38:17
Hi Richard,

Howdy Robin,
Simple explanations of physics are never as simple as viewed. The rings, like the favorite magic trick using loops, may actually each be shaped in the figure 8 .. plus in "mobus" form. Cutting one would provide the optical illusion of separating the remaining two, or even trickier, the mobus strip type rings are not connected but " run" in a track.
When watching a " magic show", one must consider what is seen doesn't

I like the mobus strip idea. My understanding of strings is that they vibrate, so instead of a ring, they might be more like a cylinder. Except who's to say that the vibrations go in just two directions. I've always theorized that the nucleus is a toroid, and I can picture the three rings operating together to fill in the space of the toroid.

necessarily mean you are seeing what is.

All the smoke and mirrors don't detract from the basic facts. What
I said stands. The number 3 is a direct consequence of living in a
3 dimensional universe.

There's a nonsequitor if ever I head one. John E W Keeley believed that there were three subunits that made up the atom, Dale Pond created an excellent graphic showing three spheres dancing around one another, It can be seen at http://www.svpvril.com/astro.html#animatedtriplet

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