Hi Jones,

you write:
>Everyone here seems to 
>have a narrow field of specific interest and mine is not 
>anti-gravity per-se, EXCEPT to the extent that it portends 
>overunity or new sources of energy.

A plethora of mouths, and no ears. A hallmark of our age,
don't you think?

>Anyway... Keith, you seem pretty confident that acceleration is 
>not required for this particular effect, despite the implications 
>of T&M.

Oh, it's exactly what Martin is showing, and I'm sure he
would agree with me. As I wrote, all he has to work with
is accelerometers so _of course_ he needs to be focused
on the rate of change of the gravitomagnetic field. If
he had gravitomagnetic sensors then he could measure the
gravitomagnetic London moment directly. The best thing I
can suggest is to read the papers I listed from most recent
back, three or four of them ought to be sufficient. But
better would be to familiarize yourself with other material
on the subject, that Jefimenko book Horace and I were
writing about would be a good place to start.

After the slashdot crowd calms down, I'll email Martin with some
thoughts about his experiments. First rate work, IMHO. But
I do want to finish reading all his papers before I comment.


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