I hope that Fred's Hemholtz-optimized cell works to self-power an ICE, or at least can increase the efficiency of gasoline combustion. The simple addition of some hydrogen should increase the efficiency of combustion in any ICE, since the flame speed of hydrogen is so high - and if a lower voltage electrolysis results in some peroxides - all the better.

As I understand the situation, Fred's thinking on the underlying modality of this experiment is that the lower effective voltage and surface interaction across the many plates does not produce H2 and O2 but instead produces hydronium and mixed hydroxyl based oxidizers. This would imply a short "window of opportunity" before recombination - so the mix must be used PDQ, no?

If total self-power is the goal, and this lower voltage Hemholtz-layer system does not accomplish that lofty aim - then there are a range of combination-type experimental alternatives - all of which are much more expensive to attempt.

IMHO, the options of highest probability for sucess (depending on whose logic you employ) - that is, which would be moving towards the next logical step of "zero" fossil fuel, using both an optimized Hemholtz-layer type of low-voltage electrolysis cell - which has gotten close to the goal - but not to total self-power.

If cost were no obejct:

1) closed-cycle with argon gas as the medium (combination: Laumann/Papp/Joe/Klein)

or if Bill Gates comes along with his checkbook:

2) closed-cycle, as above, with argon as a medium but fired by a high-powered UV laser in order to get the Argon into the maximum "efficient radiation" regime.

This is a big improvement over the basic Laumann idea ... if ... indeed there does exist in nature, a small proportion of "active-argon," which is being called "special-K". If it is there, then it exists because solar hydrinos are converting potassium in the oceans of earth into an erstaz-argon - and this has been going on for billions of years.

...or if 'Sam' comes along, the generous Uncle offering the resources of a national lab, and given that the experiments above are partially successful, then we:

3) attempt to "enrich" the Argon in the active component, special-K.

This would be done by "Calutron" type methods if nothing else comes along.

The Ford hydrogen powered ICE has shown that you can get from 25% Carnot efficiency to ~45% by just a simple fuel substitution. It is mind-boggling to me that the Laumann engine has been lost and forgotten - given that it can possibly squeeze out 40% more energy from hydrogen than even the Ford Focus.

Even so, that is a long way from self-power ... unless that is, there is "something" very special about special-K


BTW, on the Wiki entry for the Calutron:

....there is a picture of women operating the machines at Y-12 during the war. There are many anecdotal stories about this situation in the folklore of East Tennessee, but one of the more interesting ones is that - due to the need for copper during the war (for ammuntion) - the coils of the Calutrons could not be made of that commodity - as no one was sure that the machine would work as claimed - but we damn-well knew that bullets worked...

...consequently - almost the entire National supply of pure Silver bullion from Ft. Knox and elsewhere - was "borrowed" by the "Clinton Engineering Works" (false front) and then extruded and drawn into magnet-wire to be used in the giant coils of the Calutrons.

- these machines were just glorified mass-specs-on steroids, which went from blueprint to actual model with no protoype, and one can imagine that the rural workers, mostly Tobacco farmers too old for combat, who were intalling them - must have thought that the world of science was a very mysterious and magical place.

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