I agree that cutting off the flow of oil derived wealth is the likely
solution to most of the terror.   Many Arab countries might be better
off if their oil disappeared
and they were forced to develop real, balanced economies that involve
manufacturing and trade - like Turkey.

If oil wealth were to evaporate, Iran in particular might become a
surprizingly liberal democracy, with a secular basis. Supposedly, less
than 25% of Iranians
see religion as the dominant influence in their life. The best way to
kill religion is to enshrine it as the government itself.  That's why
Americans are still religious
and Europeans ( mostly) aren't - the failure of state sponsored

Even as I say this about oil wealth and terror,  I realize that there is
also some frightening evidence to the contrary.  The Wall Street Journal
published details, some
time ago, about Bin Laden directed groups operating on a shoestring,
with agents barely living on part time jobs while they plot murder.

In addition,  Atlantic magazine wrote about interviews with young Muslim
men in Europe, who complained that they "felt like nothing".   It isn't
politically correct
to talk about this - but I think it should be clear that the ugly
contrast of a prosperous and advanced Western world while Muslim
countries are often miserable
AND Muslims elevating themselves into the Favored of Allah ( with all
others being infidels) - creates hate filled fantasies to explain why
their culture is so backward.
"Jews",  "The Great Satan"  and infantile conspiracy theories take the
place of harsh self analysis and change.   You see this sort of sick
"reasoning" everytime
Indonesia has a tsunami.

Things don't get any better as the 'idol-worshipping' Indians are
finding prosperity.  I hope that Doha, Qatar and other efforts give
Muslims something to take pride
In.  Otherwise,  a lack of oil money may not do the trick.

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