leaking pen wrote:

Ohh, and, the main breeding of terrorism is the prescence of other groups within thier countries. namely, us and israeli prescence. if it werent for our bases in iran and turkey, osama bin laden wouldnt have given two pieces of ratshit for us in the usa.

That is not what he says. He says the problem is our support for the Saudi government. Plus naturally he plans to nuke Israel, along with us. I suggest you read what he says. He is not keeping his agenda secret any more than Hitler did.

As a general rule, when a powerful despotic leader threatens to kill millions of people the way Hitler, Stalin, Mao and now bin Laden did, you want to take him seriously. You should assume he means it. He also seriously expects us to surrender, convert to Islam and begin imposing sharia law on ourselves. The Japanese seriously believed we would surrender in 1942, and negotiate a treaty. You can be 100% sure of that; they never would have attacked otherwise. (They would have attacked Russia instead, which they almost did, but after a debate they decided the U.S. was a softer target which they could knock off in six months.) I realize that sounds crazy from our point of view, but that is what they believed.

Of course I agree our presence is not improving things. Even the U.S. generals admit that these days.

- Jed

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