John Bedini has done a lot of studying of Nathan Stubblefield's  radio and
earth battery material.. i listened to an interview of Bedini  on Jeff
Rense's show, and wrote these things down: ..

Notes from the radioshows:
Magnetricity, instead of electricity, is what powers our electric systems.
Two magnetic currents
Perfectly audible frequencies, even 10 miles away, tested by John Bedini
Bedini was able to reproduce, 2 rods in the river, then at the mountain, 1
probe into the tree, one in the earth = crystal clear sound.
-> Earth batteries do not produce electricity, but instead tap into the
earth's magnetic field, draw it out for use. So you put plates into the
earth, to draw electricity out of the earth's magnetic field.
-> Nathan Stubblefield took out a patent for the earth-battery, except, the
patent-office demanded he call it "Earth Battery", Stubblefield wanted to
call it "Electro-magnetic Induction Amplifier".
-> Stubblefield's "Earth Battery" taps what electricity is not, the Battery
taps the magnetic current running through Planet Earth.
This energy field is not just here around the earth, it is virtually
everywhere in the universe - it is the universe, it is the energy field that
is the universe.
-> The Earth is a incredible *conductor*, a living organism of *energy*, in
several ways.
-> Stubblefield tapped the Ground-permeating Natural Wave, which are
Magnetic Currents.
-> The Earth has a Magnetic Current, which has NO EMF, no electricity
involved, it is a clear channel, these *natural electrical waves*, act as
carriers for the human voice.
Bedini: Two highly polished metal mirrors, which faced eachother, radiate a
very great heat in rippling waves.
If you take a piece of *copper*, and you *polish* it highly and then you
take a piece of *steel*, and you polish it *highly*, and you face these two
things together, so that there is a *doppler-shift* in the light, you get *
heat*, you can actually feel it. So there is no reason, why we can't pull
the energy right from the earth, and heat the house.

Two rods, stuck in the ground.
Nathan Stubblefield uses *earth magnetic current*, this is *not* current as
we know it, electricity is a *waste by-product*, of this magnetic current.

hope this helps :)

On 12/23/06, Frederick Sparber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Free Energy in Dr. Moray's backyard?
> IOW, this an open-ended transmission line (Line-To-Ground LC)
> that might by happenstance hit a resonance point that could set up
> some husky HF (Megahz?) oscillations off the ~26,000 coulomb
> excess electron charge of the earth, that could  do something strange
> enough to vindicate Dr. Moray's 1909 - 1930s anachronistic
> sojourn into solid state physics.
> IOW II, you have a gigaohm/meter internal resistance battery D.C.-wise
> but, if RF oscillation sets in, it's a whole different ball game, and

"Telluric currents are phenomena observed in the Earth's 
In September of 1862, an experiment to specifically address Earth currents
was carried out in the Munich Alps (Lamont, 1862). The currents are induced
by changes in the outer part of the Earth's magnetic 
which are usually caused by interactions between the solar 
wind<>and the
ionosphere. Utilization of these electromagnetic effects has been reported
in the United States as far back as 1859. United States telegraph lines were
operated by such natural induced currents (during geomagnetic disturbances).
Tellurics also result from 
Telluric currents flow in the surface layers of the earth. The electric
potential on the Earth's surface can be measured at different points,
enabling us to calculate the magnitudes and directions of the telluric
currents and thence the Earth's 
Telluric currents will move between each half of the ter! restrial globe at
all times. Telluric currents move equator-wa! rd (dayt ime) and pole-ward

"The field varies in time and over the frequency range 0.001 to 5 Hz
(Krasnogorskaja & Remizov, 1975). Electric potential gradients caused by
telluric currents are of the order of 0.2 to 1000 
metre <>.
(Krasnogorskaja and Remizov (1975); Vanjan (1975)). At any location, the current
density<>is a 
direct function of the interhemispheric currents and their potential
It has been estimated that telluric! currents overall during twelve hours in
one hemisphere are in range of 100 to 1000 
This intensity of telluric currents is sufficient to drive the air movements
that create atmospheric 
from the global fair weather charge accumulator to thunderstorm bases."


"One of the earliest examples of an earth battery was built by Alexander
Bain <> in
1841 <> in order to
drive a prime 
Bain buried plates of 
zinc<>and copper in the
ground <> about one
meter <> apart and
used the re! sulting voltage, of about one volt, to operate a clock. Carl
who had researched the Earth's magnetic 
and Karl A. von 
who built one of the first electric clocks and developed the idea of an "Earth
or "ground ! 
had previously investigated such devices. Lord 
Kelvin<>developed a "sea 
battery" in the latter end of the 1800s."

Patent 211322<>
  <> for an Earth
battery for electric clocks (with several improvements in the art of Earth
batteries). Another early patent was obtained by Emil 
Patent 690151<>
  <> *Method of
utilizing electrical Earth currents*). In 
James C. 
  <> for his *Earth
Battery*. In 1885 <>, George
received US patent U.S. Patent 
  <> for his *Electric
Earth battery*. In 1898<>,
Patent 600457<>
  <> for his
electrolytic coil battery, which was a combination of an earth battery and a
solenoid <>.
The Earth battery, in general, generated power for early telegraph
transmissions and formed part of a tuned 
amplified the signalling voltage over long distances."

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