Then there's the small matter of two Canadian scientists who utterly refuted 
the thinking/mathematics behind the so-called "hockey stick" graph that showed 
how much we puny humans have influenced climate since the Industrial 
Revolution.  These chaps have been all but totally ignored, but it's difficult 
to find a more elegant way of showing just how much emotional nonsense is being 
spouted by the likes of Gore so that he (and many others) can make a killing.

The "insufferable arrogance" spoken of by others here, is that we puny humans 
can influence natural solar cycles, which like the above scientists, have been 
largely ignored in the "discussion" on global warming.  Like I said before, 
lets get out the fire hoses; perhaps do a sun dance.  Perhaps even try some 
solid science.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jeff Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 5:44:58 AM
Subject: [Vo]:to John Berry regarding GW









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Al Gore is poised to make millions if not billions off of “global
warming”.  He puts some chart in his movie saying it is now the
warmest ever and you buy it as gospel.


There are some flakey snake oil salesmen out there, and the gullibility
of some on this forum scares me.


It has been much warmer not so long ago.


Here is another example if your attention span will allow:


We have huge sequoia trees growing in central CA at
elevations of 3000 to 5000 feet.  They like it cool and moist, but don’t
like extreme sub freezing temps or strong winds.


There are fossilized stumps of sequoias in the
 Colorado rockies at Florissant 
at an elevation over 8000 feet.  They are exhibited in place in excavated
pits.  I saw them. But, they looked a little strange.  They did not
look entirely like rock.  I asked about it at the visitor’s center,
and was told that they are only 50% fossilized. 

John. The rest is WOOD!  

John. How old aren’t they?


Back in the 50’s, before this site was protected, Mrs.
Disney bought one of these stumps for a birthday present for her husband. 
I saw it on display outside at Disneyland 
around 1995.  It was located right next to the lake near
 Adventure Land . 
Those of you who get to Disneyland may still
be able to see it if it hasn’t rotted away by now.


There are many things about this planet’s history that
don’t line up with present day thinking. Let us not be duped into making
big expensive mistakes by selectively ignoring certain historical data.


Again I wonder.  What happened to the ice age we were
threatened with in the late 70’s.  


It’s ironic that many global warming events this past
season were cancelled due to extreme winter conditions.






John. This is only my third post in over a year.  I
read your stuff, and you post almost everyday.  You could give me the
courtesy of reading all of what I said before you publicly call me an idiot,
and perhaps point out specific errors in my writings so that I may be 


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