To continue and interesting line of speculation this morning....

Further down, buried in this issue of NET:

"Pentagon Agency Looks to Fund Cold Fusion, Isomers, Antimatter"
        By Sharon Weinberger

"Buried, deep down in the recesses of the latest solicitations from the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency is a call for proposals on a few of my favorite fringey topics [snip]: spin or shape isomer energy storage"

END of quote.

To be more precise, just what does "the military wants proposals on isomer energy storage" imply?

There are at least two varieties of this general theme. One is IGE (induced gamma emission) for the gamma laser. This involves natural isotopes of rare heavy metals with what is best described as distorted nuclei. Forget that for a second.

The other possibility - not perceived even by the author of this piece, Sharon Weinberger - will involve isomers which may become sources of an energy anomaly in other forms of LENR

... to wit - this category could include an activated form of heavy water in which the oxygen atom, possibly the isotope 18O, but possibly even the 16O or deuterium as alternative candidates, has become metastable and isomeric due to absorption of gamma radiation of the correct frequency.

It should be noted that the best candidate: 18O or heavy oxygen is already a "shape" isomer candidate, and that it could possibly be the majority isomer found in normal reactor grade heavy water.

No one is sure on that. Either point. But is this all coincidental?

The cross-connection to the other threads this morning on Vortex is this (if it is not already evident):

1) The availability of heavy water, with unusual properties, is under consideration, due to an intriguing report from Dennis Letts.

2) The possibility exists that an "activated" form of D2O comes from reprocessed reactor D2O formerly used as a neutron "moderator" (old Candu heavy water). This is one distinct possibility of many.

3) Moving further into speculation, it is clear that several hundred tons of what 'had been' reactor grade heavy water - from decommissioned or older Candu plants has been sold on the world market in recent years.

4) The most likely buyer: China

5) The Canadians do not want to admit, for a variety or possible reasons, that this material is being reprocessed. There is no firm evidence that it has been - nor evidence that any US chemical supplier, for instance: Sigma-Aldrich has actually purchased heavy water from China to resell... and it is doubtful that they would admit to it without a court order, even if true (due to liability issues).

The open question is now becomes evident - and I do not pretend to have a ready answer, but it is this:

Will 15-20 years of constant bombardment by gamma radiation inside a nuclear reactor be able to convert a substantial percentage of a normal isotope (the the best candidate is 18O) into a metastable isomer ?


PS the follow-on question is: even if 18O does become metastable in the circumstances above, how does CF electrolysis with a laser (i.e. the Letts/Cravens effect) manage to release that energy?

or secondly:

Is this metastability the main source of excess energy in many LENR experiments where helium is not found, commensurate with the energy produced? Was this kind of heavy water even available as far back as 1989?

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