On Wednesday 08 August 2007 14:28, Jones Beene wrote:
> Standing Bear wrote:
> > And how about Sirhan Sirhan, whose name seems to have escaped from an 
episode of 'Dr Who'!  I rest my case.
> Having recently seen the latest Bourne flick ... thus making me an 
> instant expert on CIA miscreants and the "brainwashing" training which 
> they receive, let me add something  ;^}
> Wiki sez: Sirhan was hypnotized in prison by Dr. Bernard Diamond, who 
> simply instructed Sirhan to climb the bars of his cage like a monkey.
> He did so. After the trance was removed, Sirhan was shown tapes of his 
> actions. He insisted that he "acted like a monkey" of his own free will- 
> he claimed he wanted the exercise. Apparently, it was almost as if he 
> had been taught a routine for rationalizing to others any hypnotic 
> episode, so as NOT to indicate to them that he was easily hypnotized.
> BTW despite an Islamic sounding name, Sirhan was born to Christian 
> parents in Palestine and became a Fundamentalist Baptist in the USA - 
> ergo - Islam had nothing to do with this incident. Millions of Americans 
> thought he was a Muslim; a view which pleased the Administration and 
> they did nothing to squelch that myth.
> One other thing...
> ... come to think of it - ever notice the physical similarities between 
> Oswald and Sirhan?
> Does the trait of 'ultra-suggestivity' - which results in being able to 
> be hypnotized very easily - have any cross-connection to physical traits?
> Bet they know this in Langley... maybe even in Manhattan [Dr. Albert 
> Hirsch (Albert Finney) was the NYC doctor in charge of Bourne's 
> "Operation Treadstone" psychological training].
> Of course, no one on Vortex believes in such things as secret mind 
> control projects, like MKUltra - do you?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKULTRA
> Signed
> Jason
> to be born-again soon?

The Soviet KGB ran an operation called 'Project Isis' for a while.  Part of it
was research in various powers of the mind.  A Russian who claimed to know
something of it was reporting during a program on the Sci-Fi Channel.  Of
course in the absence of real information and in a background of governmental 
orchestrated lying, any information ...could...have a germ of truth in it, and 
the farther from US governmental censorship or the reach of its secret police
the more truth it may contain.  I suspect pigs will fly before our 'guv' tells 
the truth about the Roswell UFO events.  I mean the real truth.  I am sure
that we had our 'psychic' operatives as well for as long as there was a budget
for it.
  Getting back to Project Isis,  the Russians supposedlly used a team of their
psychics to try to make some sense of some very old archaeological finds, over
ten thousand years old.

Standing Bear

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